I have 3 Bluno V2.0 units (Arduino Uno with integrated BLE), 1 of them works great, the other 2 stopped linking with my PC after I unplugged them for the first time - they worked fine out of the box, and then the "link" light would never turn on again. They will also not connect through the USB cable. The program I loaded onto them still runs, so the board itself is Ok (the reset button still works too), I just can't upload anything anymore. The Boot button doesn't seem to do anything either, at least as far as allowing it to connect to my PC.
I have never had more than 1 plugged in or turned on at a time, and I've tried 2 different BLE dongles on a couple of different ports. The Arduino IDE says it sees the Uno on the COM, but it won't upload anything, which makes sense since the link light is off on the board itself.
If anyone has had and solved this problem, or has any suggestions of what I haven't tried yet I'd greatly appreciate it.