I try to connect my bme280 sensor from aliexpress but it doesn't work :
I can see the sensor with address 0x76 when I do a I2C scan,
but when I do a bme.begin(0x76) it always says :
Could not find a valid BME280 sensor, check wiring!
Moreover, I found that it is because there is a error here is the adafruit lib :
// check if sensor, i.e. the chip ID is correct
if (read8(BME280_REGISTER_CHIPID) != 0x60) // ------> HERE, I READ 255 (0xFF)
return false;
Also make sure you connect this sensor to 3.3V Vcc, and 3.3V I2C levels. Connecting it to 5V signals may damage it; connecting it to 5V Vcc will damage it.
I don't see level shifter or regulator on board so this breakout is not suitable for 5V.
Well, time to ask yourself, "what am I doing wrong here"? Because with the copious amount if information provided by you to this forum, you're the only one that could possibly answer that.
And besides, in about 99.9% of the cases the error is with you, not with the software library. I may underestimate that number a bit.