Bmp180 different modes, check mode

I use the adafruit 085 libary for my bmp180.
I want to use the ULTRALOWPOWER mode.

So i test it with:

Adafruit_BMP085 bmp;
void setup() {
  if (!bmp.begin(BMP085_ULTRALOWPOWER)) {
	Serial.println("Could not find a valid BMP180sensor, check wiring!");
	while (1) {}

Is there a way to check inside the loop, if the mode is really active?

Thank you


Yes but why do you ask this ?

This library uses modes according to the sensor datasheet, it simply changes the oversampling setting of the sensor.

You can read the sensor's control register and check the values of bits 6 and 7.

Serial.println( bmp.read8( BMP085_CONTROL ) >> 6 );

Edit: except the read8 method is private... Sorry !

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