While soldering my BMP280, I noticed that the filter capictor got removed from its position with one end of the cpacitor stuck to the solder of my GND pin.
The sensor works, and it returns the expected values after running the BMP280 example sketches on it, I just want to know whether this will cause any problems in the future or if it is hindering its performance right now .
I don't think this will cause any problems. But if you do experience problems, you could try attaching a 0.1uF cap between the Vcc & ground pins, as close to the module as you can.
The module you are using has no built-in 3.3V regulator or signal voltage level shifters. If you are using it with a 5V Arduino, you will need to provide 3.3V and use signal voltage level shifters.
Also, why would a level shifter be necessary? Every interface i have seen only asks for the VCC pin to be connected to the 3.3v pin on the arduino nano? Do i need a level shifter?
The one 5v Nano have tested is quite happy with 3.3v logic input signals but you may find it marginal over temp, voltage etc. But the bmp may not tolerate 5v outputs from the Nano.
The SDA & SCL lines on the Nano are pulled up to 5V. There is a possibility this could damage the sensor, which is a 3.3V device. How much damage would result in practice, I'm not sure, given that the pull-up resistors are weak (high resistance) but in theory it is above the maximum rating of the sensor because no pin of a chip should ever be connected to a voltage higher than about 0.5V above the chip's Vcc pin.
If you look at the schematic for Adafruit's BME280 board, you can see that they put level shifters on their board: