BNO055 IMU Question - Output raw data

Hi Guys!

I have a custom pcb with a BNO055 imu and an esp32 pico d4.
I want to output raw acceleration, gyroscope and magnetometer data and save them to a 512mb flash memroy on the pcb.

I Found the following guide using the original bosch library that I would like to use (Couldn't find the device I2C location adress using the Adafruit library):

In this example which worked on my board, the chosen output is euler angles.
How can I find a list of the different outputs options like the ones that I need?

The example uses

bno055_read_euler_hrp(` `&` `myEulerData);            ` `//Update Euler data into the structure`
Serial.print(F(`"Orientation: z "));

Serial.print((float(myEulerData.h) /16.00));

What are the calls for the acccel, gyro and mag?


have a look at library on https://giAdafruit_BNO055/blob/master/examples/read_all_data/read_all_data

Hi, I tried but I can't connect to sensor using:
Adafruit_BNO055 bno = Adafruit_BNO055(55, 0x28, &Wire);
Or any other address using i2c scanner.

I prefer learning how to use the bosch library

if the I2C scan shows nothing possibly you have a wiring problem
could you upload a schematic showing the esp32 pico d4 connections to the BN0055, power, etc

Hi! It shows two addresses but connecting to either one does nothing.
When I use the bosch library it connects well, plus it has important features for me that the Adafruit library does not.

Lets focus on how to output accel, gyro and mag data instead of euler angles as shown above :slight_smile:

for accel could you call

BNO055_RETURN_FUNCTION_TYPE bno055_convert_double_accel_xyz_msq(struct bno055_accel_double_t *accel_xyz);

parameter is

struct bno055_accel_double_t
    double x; /**< Accel x double data */
    double y; /**< Accel y double data */
    double z; /**< Accel z double data */

similar for gyro and mag data

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