Hi all,
I have been trying to locate a wireless access point that also doubles as a CO/Smoke Detector, and would ideally connect one of the several home automation API's (such as NEST).
So far though, no luck. I got to thinking that I might be able to make one. What boards would you guys recommend that I go with for this project? Here are some of the features that I would like to implement:
- Wireless Access Point / WiFi repeater
- CO/Smoke Detection
- Speaker for alerts
- Power over Ethernet to power the device primarily with a rechargeable 9V battery. The 9V battery should basically act as a battery backup in case POE goes down.
Software-wise, I would want:
- Pre-set IP address
- When user connects to router (or switch), the user goes to the IP address and can re-configure the device for WAP or Repeater
- Text to Speech for custom alerts (this would be nice to have)
- Ability to also connect to a home automation device such as the NEST.