Board Advice for Access Point + CO/Smoke Detector

Hi all,

I have been trying to locate a wireless access point that also doubles as a CO/Smoke Detector, and would ideally connect one of the several home automation API's (such as NEST).

So far though, no luck. I got to thinking that I might be able to make one. What boards would you guys recommend that I go with for this project? Here are some of the features that I would like to implement:

  • Wireless Access Point / WiFi repeater
  • CO/Smoke Detection
  • Speaker for alerts
  • Power over Ethernet to power the device primarily with a rechargeable 9V battery. The 9V battery should basically act as a battery backup in case POE goes down.

Software-wise, I would want:

  • Pre-set IP address
  • When user connects to router (or switch), the user goes to the IP address and can re-configure the device for WAP or Repeater
  • Text to Speech for custom alerts (this would be nice to have)
  • Ability to also connect to a home automation device such as the NEST.

Dredging up an oldie (for my first post too) but I'm curious if the original poster had any luck locating something like this, or for that matter, building one?
