Board images and dimensions for fusion360


I am having a hard time finding where my question fits, so please forgive me if this is not the correct area.

I am looking to design and create cases for various Arduino boards. I am using Fusion 360 to create models of the boards but would like to get clean images of the bare boards silkscreen without components. I am also looking for accurate board dimensions.

The purpose being to create detailed models of Ardunio boards to use as models for the cases.

I can not find any place on the forum for this information and the only schematic location I found does not work.

I am looking for boards like the Arduino leonardo and similar.

Can anyone assist?

Thank you.

As far as I know, you can download the Eagle CAD files for every board from the product page.

You should be able to determine the size of the board from the PCB file.

Thanks for the info. I am not familiar with Eagle CAD. I will check it out. Hopefully the file format is compatible. I don't want to have to strudel with learning yet another software package. If I can view and print (or even screen shot the image with dimensions then I may be OK. Thanks Again.