Board layout for R4 Wifi (& Minima) ?

I can't seem to find board layout files for for R4 Wifi (& Minima), e.g. Eagle .brd files

Hoping for a link me to them ...

The UNO R4 is designed in Altium, not Eagle, hence no .brd files exist,
but the CAD files are available.

These files can be found at this page under the "Downloads" section > "CAD Files"

Thanks for the info @ubidefeo.
I downloaded the CAD files but it apparently I would need Altium to open them.
Any chance you could make & share a PDF or similar of the board layout?

I don't have access to Altium.
The files shared are all Arduino is offering under the Open Source Licensing.
Any extra file is out of scope.


Well that's dissappointing, and a bit shocking TBH.

I've been playing with Arduino for > 10 years and the whole philosophy has been sharing + open source software AND hardware. Very dissapointing as many projects require a more detailed undertanding of the board wiring. ALTIUM is expensive and doesn't offer a free version, so this arbitrary decision makes the platform less appealing IMHO.

Please express my deep disappointment to the Arduino management.


we distribute the project as a downloadable Altium, but if your interest lies in "looking" at the wiring (the schematic should already be enough) you can look at the board files in the embedded Altium viewer which can present the schematic, routing and 3d of the board.
That should satisfy your needs.

it is available here

Moreover you also have Gerber files in the archive you download that allow you to view the PCB in a Gerber viewer

As engineering needs change, we have to switch to more complex software.
EagleCAD is a discontinued piece of software, and we had to get on with the times.
I myself still use Eagle because it's what I pay for in my private life, but eventually it will go (2026) and I won't have a software to design my boards in :slight_smile:

Thanks for that information, that looks like it will be sufficient.

Yes I often need to look at the wiring, e.g I often modify Arduino boards or shields. At present I'm considering adding a crystal to the R4 WiFi for improved timing precision. There are no pads provided but based on the schematic some of the LED Matrix pins are connected to the same MCU pins that a crystal should connect. I can only figure out which pins (to solder the crystal in) if I can see the board wiring / layout in detail.

I hope my example explains why it is not enough

Re: EagleCAD why do you say it will be unavailable 2026? Last time I used it, it was the free version downloaded standalone on my PC. I'm pretty sure it's still there and will run "forever" :slight_smile:

Oh yes, for your need, you must be able to see copper :slight_smile:

My Eagle requires logging into Autodesk to keep it running.
I'm not sure which version you are using :slight_smile:

V7.2.0 running as freeware. No license, no login, but probably limited functionality for a power user.


As a Mac user I switched to Apple Silicon, that one is not an option anymore although I still have the binary in my archives :cry:

You can use a free Gerber viewer to view the Gerber files that are in ubidefeo's links.

I use "ViewMate" from pentalogix.

thank you ...

To load all the layers in one go:

Click on File, Import, Gerber... (or press F2)
You can then select all the files in the Gerber folder by using the shift key and mouse. Then the 24 files will all load.

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@ubidefeo the Resources tab and Interactive Viewer for R4 WiFi you provided above seems to have dissappeared. Can you provide a fresh link please ?

@JohnLincoln I'm trying to open those 24 files in the R4 WiFi CAD/gerber folder using ViewMate, see attached. But when I hit "Open" the cursor flashes but nothing else happens ??

Any clues appreciated ...

KiCad exists, can read Eagle, Altium and Gerber files.


we launched the new Docs website couple weeks ago, and the screenshots don't apply anymore.
you can find it on the new R4 doc page

Features block
Led Matrix Documentation

The link is above the screenshot of the tool

I'm well aware of new R4 WIFI doc page, but where has the Interactive Viewer for looking at the Gerber files gone? (not the LED matrix !!)

oh, sorry, I thought you were referring to those links.

I'm gonna ask the Docs people and link this thread :slight_smile:

thank you ! :slightly_smiling_face: