board lots of analog inputs?

Thinking outloud because its not somthing i can do but maybe somone else got half way though or can point me in the right direction.

Is there a board out there with a hell of a lot of analog inputs? or a shield to convert analog to digital imputs?

how many analog ports are you talking about?

and how often do you want to sample?
with how many bits?

  • check sparkfun for a multiplexer (16 lines)
  • or use I2C ADC converters and you can have about 120 devices, optional each having multiple ADC

You can put an analog switch in front of each of the Mega2560's 10-bit ADC inputs, and connect each input one at a time using the internal ADC.

Each selects one of 16, 16 x 16 = 256 inputs

Or, use a bank of chips like these

and take multiple samples (one per chip) at one time and read them in sequentially.

Answer robtillaart's questions and something more concrete can be presented.