Board to use with 4 digital microphone inputs

Im looking for a board that can handle upto 4 simultaneous digital audio inputs from mems microphones for an audio application. From what i understand the standard I2S channel only allows for 2 audio inputs at once
so im assuming i would require 2x the amount of i2s on the board.

are there any boards i can buy to use for this type of work ?


have a look at

are there any boards i can buy to use for this type of work ?

If you are interested in high quality audio then you will need something a lot more powerful than an Arduino.


If you are interested in high quality audio then you will need something a lot more powerful than an Arduino.


then if i were to just want normal fidelity are there any boards for that ?
high fidelity is more of a second goal at this point.

then if i were to just want normal fidelity are there any boards for that ?
high fidelity is more of a second goal at this point.

I intended to exclude "normal fidelity" as well. An Arduino is only capable of really crap sound on a single channel.


I intended to exclude "normal fidelity" as well. An Arduino is only capable of really crap sound on a single channel.


thats a bummer haha, what about interfacing it to a phone so to send the 4 independent microphone signals to the phone for conversion/ replacing the internal microphone for other applications either through type c/microusb. Or would something like that require a special evaluation board ?

sorry for bombarding you with questions haha.

thats a bummer haha, what about interfacing it to a phone so to send the 4 independent microphone signals to the phone for conversion/ replacing the internal microphone for other applications either through type c/microusb.

I have no idea.

You need to ask on a Forum that specializes in audio stuff. This Forum is for Arduino projects.


Take a look at teensy boards for quad I2S

"An Arduino is only capable of really crap sound on a single channel.An Arduino is only capable of really crap sound on a single channel."
Not true, you can digitize 16-bit single channel mono audio at 44.1KHz and store to SD card with a 16 MHz Arduino.
Take a looke here:
You need an external SPI ADC and it will use all the capacity of the Arduino.

The other request, 4 channels at once: you can sample 4 channels simultaneously with the proper ADC, but you are still limited internally by the uC's databus to moving the data from any one channel at a time. A fast enough processor will let you move all 4 channels in the same time period to appear as if all were being done at the same time.