Hi everyone,
Today I want to ask something about the board's libraries.
I put the url of a board into the "Additional board manager URLs" and with Internet connection all its good. It works.
The problem is when I'm offline. When I haven't the internet connection the code doesn't work anymore because the program cannot link the URL of the board.
Have you any suggestion to put this library offline into the PC o some other solution?
It would be really appreciated, Thank you all.
I'm using IDE 2.1.0
Have you installed the board using the Board Manager and is it available for selection in board and port dialogue ?
Once the board is installed there is no requirement for the PC to be connected to the Internet in order to compile and upload sketches to the board
yes, I've installed the board and I can select it. But when I go offline the code doesn't work and give me an error about the board.
Please post an example sketch that will not compile and the full error message
Which board are you using ?
Industrial shield M-duino family 19R+
@username_valeria please provide the rest of the information UKHeliBob requested yesterday:
We don't have any hope of providing you with quality assistance if we don't understand the problem you are having. You need to start making a stronger effort to communicate effectively.
When people provide us with all the necessary information from the start, they usually get a solution in a matter of minutes. Or you can drag it out over days or weeks of frustrating back and forth as we try to squeeze the information out of you. The choice of how this will go is up to you.
I've solved the problem,
It was about my PC.
I'm sorry for wasting your time.
Thank you
I'm glad it is working now. Thanks for taking the time to post an update.
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