Boat Instrument NMEA sentences produced by Arduino ,presented in browser window

This is definately worth a look if you are a boaty too !

Pleased to say that using the Arduino program supplied and uploading to a Duemilanove and running I was able to install python ,the serial module and the python script on my linux machine running Puppy 5.31 and by changing line 142 about to ttyUSB4 I saved and then started the server which started on Then starting a browser by clicking on the Index.html file and changing the address to was able to get it all going .
Brilliant stuff Thanks

Edit I was able to bump the serial rate to 9600 in the python script and the arduino sketch with no ill effect

that is awesome! i've always wanted to hack the display of an e-ink tablet... this is a great work around!

this is awesome! nice work. definitely gonna save this project for future ref!

Great project