bonehead about servo sweep  running ard 0017

Am trying to learn programming. Have seen what others are doing and came up with this adaptation to move a bot and avoid objects. I would like to sweep the head or "scan", and have come close but no cigar. This code sweeps the head but very fast one way and slow the other; so only steps by 1, in one direction. It only reads the sensor at the end of the sweep. If I remove the scan code the bot works fine with the sensor looking ahead only and sees walls, etc. What am I not seeing? Thanks much, this is a great site.

    #include <Servo.h>

Servo left;
Servo right;
Servo head;

int pos = 0;
int headPos = 0;
int value = 0;
int treshold = 150;
int sensor = 0;

void setup() {
  Serial.begin  (9600);
void ReadSensor () {
  for(headPos = 0; headPos <180; headPos += 1)          
  for(headPos = 180; headPos >= 1; headPos-=1)   
  value = analogRead(0);
  if (value > treshold) {
void turn () {
void move () {
void loop() {
for(headPos = 0; headPos <180; headPos += 1)          
  for(headPos = 180; headPos >= 1; headPos-=1)  

I'd say that you're probably missing some "}" braces in there.
Or they're misplaced, which is more likely if this code is compiling

void ReadSensor () {
  for(headPos = 0; headPos <180; headPos += 1)  {
       // You may want to do stuff here

  for(headPos = 180; headPos >= 1; headPos-=1) {
      value = analogRead(0);
      if (value > treshold) {
      } else {

Thanks AWOL, think you are right. I have played with moving the braces around and every iteration that will compile (quite a few) also acts differently. Guess I have to find the right combo. Thanks again.