Books for learning xbee

Does any one know of a good book to learn to setup series 1 xbees and use in conjunction with arduinos???
The O'reilly book avoids series 1 altogether :frowning:

you mean this one?

Yeah, I bought it and right at the start they describe the series 1 modules and then say that it will not be discussed further in the book.... I can't seem to find any decent tutorials online has all the info but definitely not in a way easy for a beginner to understand...

That means that you have to read the book about 2.0 xbee first to learn about them and then go back to the files. Maybe they make more sense then?

maybe this link - - useful?

Robtillaart, I'm only on page 42 of 160+ pages but so far this seems to be exactly the learning tool I needed...
Thanks a ton!!!