Boost wireless Doorbell?

just got a wireless doorbell but but its range is about 3m shy of what I need (says 100m, but its having trouble with 20m and a window!)....any easy way to boost?

Knock a hole in the wall that's in the way.


Tried to open it and see if theres something wrong?

The wireless doorbell I got also had a very bad range, so I opened it. Turned out that the "antenna", or wire as it just were, almost weren't soldered to the print, so after soldering it on properly, it was working like expected.

Cant see anything wrong, just a empty pad on what I assume is the printed areal?

The simple loop aerial has direction sensitivity so arrange the bell push such that the plane of the aerial is at right angles to the direction of the receiver unit

Quite limited to one button angle due to where its going.

strange thing is it works just inside, but not outside the door.

Ah, I ment the reciever. The senders normally only have the "on board" antenna, while some receivers got a wire instead.

strange thing is it works just inside, but not outside the door.

mine got that too, the sender and receiver must be over 3m apart for them to work. Not sure why, but maybe someone here know the technical 'issue' that is causing that.

the sender and receiver must be over 3m apart for them to work.

The transmitter is probably overloading the receiver when it's too close, causing the received signal to be too distorted to be recognized.

That lead or steel covered balcony is probably your problem.
If you cannot move the bell push try moving the receiver to the outer extreme of the bay window and then rotating it to see if that increases sensitivity. You might also want to consider adding a length of thin wire to the receiver aerial terminal - this will detune the aerial ( if it's been properly designed) but may give increased signal strength


I'm afraid there are some quality problem with your new wireless doorbell,many wireless doorbell can't solve the long range receive problem.but there is a kind of long range wireless video doorbell is specially for villa,maybe you can have a try.

I'm afraid there are some quality problem with your new wireless doorbell,many wireless doorbell can't solve the long range receive problem.but there is a kind of long range wireless video doorbell is specially for villa,maybe you can have a try.

Try solder an an external antenna to both the transmitter and the receiver. A proper antenna should be much more effective then the printed antenna that comes as default.

What frequency does your doorbell work on? Maybe adding a length of wire can increase range.

It seems that it's not easy. Hope you solve this problem as soon as possible.

Put the transmitted inside and rig up a new button to outside the door.

Since it's only a button you can use thin wire so it won't hinder the door at all.

I hope you get it fixed but you might have to try another type of wireless doorbell. :frowning:

Try solder an an external antenna to both the transmitter and the receiver.

If they are long enough then they will touch. ;D

Seriously it is probably the overhanging balcony that is giving you trouble. Have you tried moving the receiver to the bay part of the window?