Bootload Atmega 48PA, 88PA using UNO rev1 NEED HELP!

Recently I have bought a dozens of 48PA's and 88PA's. I can bootload 328PA using optiloader.But when I try to bootload, 48PA it shows

OptiLoader Bootstrap programmer.
2011 by Bill Westfield (WestfW)

Target power on! ...
Starting Program Mode [OK]

Reading signature:920A
Searching for image...
Not Found

Target power OFF!

Type 'G' or hit RESET for next chip

I cant even upload sketches to my atmega 328PA on breadboard using only RX TX port of UNO.

Please excuse my English and ignorance. :blush: Someone can please provide a detailed reply, because I am very much new to arduino world. :blush:

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:


Optiloader does not currently support 48a or 88pa chips. Optiboot itself looks like it will build an image for 88, but there is currently no support for 48 at all.

Check into, see if the core files are available for those 2 chip types.