Please have a look in the log and log -F
Able to detect 1284p while showing signature wrong?
With F Fuse readproblem?
Somebody has a hint for me please?
Thank you,
log.txt (10.1 KB)
log-f.txt (10.1 KB)
Please have a look in the log and log -F
Able to detect 1284p while showing signature wrong?
With F Fuse readproblem?
Somebody has a hint for me please?
Thank you,
log.txt (10.1 KB)
log-f.txt (10.1 KB)
I had a similar error with an attiny85 that worked under a different clock speed, that Coding Badly suggested was due to the programming speed being too high for the devices clock speed.
See,109563.0.html for details, it may help.
mmh, it's an HV Programmer... which accepts the STK500V2 Protocol.
i can't reduce the frequency because of HV mode.
I will test it with ISP next...
I tested the -B Option but nothing different. -B4 or -B 100000000 it reads the signature at first... later it goes bad...
Given that it is finding a device signature (0x020202) rather than what I've normally scene when there is an error (0x000000) of this type, I am wondering if there is a defect in your chip?
Do you have AVR Studio? Could you try reading the chip from that software and see if it is a software problem? What programmer are you trying to use?
I am able to use AVR Studio,
I am able to read Fuses, set fuses also...
i am able to erease the chip via AVR Studio,
but it always get stuck while attempting to programm the chip.
I set all Lockbits to no_lock.
mmh, i will buy a new chip tomorrow to test out if the chip is broken, but it is always new... only fused it wrong and get it alive now... but not programable...
i use this one...
actually at discount... normally at above 100 Eur.