I'm trying to bootload the atmega328P-PU, exactly as shown in here, http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ArduinoISP. I have a 328P-PU on my arduino dumilanalov, to which i burnt the arduino ISP sketch, then i tried burning the bootloader to the 328P-PU in breadboard.
I keep getting this error,
avrdude: Yikes! Invalid device signature.
Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override
this check.
I rechecked the avrdude.conf file and the device signature was still " 0x1e 0x95 0x0F", which I'm guessing is the right one for 328P-PU. I also tried disabling auto reset by placing a 10uF cap across RESET and GND, but i keep getting the same error.
Did you disable auto-reset on that Ardu' that you are using as a programmer? Not all boards require it, but a 10uf cap between ground and reset, or a 110R resistor between reset and +5V on the programmer may be needed to stop it resetting during the bootloader burning process.
I think the error you have is a general one and not directly related to an incorrect signature. If AVRdude receives and actual incorrect signature, it will tell you what it was and what it was expecting.
Edit - sorry, I see you did disable reset. If you also included a crystal and caps (you will need those unless you know your chip has fuses set for internal oscillator) then it's probably just a loose or miss-placed connection. It's very easy to do.
This is a common error if the 328P fuses are set to external clocking and you are not providing a crystal or resonator to XTAL1/XTAL2 pins. Alternatively if you are using Nick Gammon's bootloader you can use the Arduino pin D9 to the 328P XTAL1 pin, to provide an 8MHz clock, just for programming.