Botboardino and L298N control

Good evening,
I have a botboardino with a 1shield and separate L298N module and I am attempting to control 10 servos and 2 DC motors with a modified code that I from the Arduino project forums.
All of the servos are working but I cannot get the motors to run.
I have used the motor code separately with an Arduino Uno and it seems to work O.k. The only change is to the motor speed control pins, I am using A0 & A5 instead of 3 & 5 as they are already in use.
Please could someone check the code for me to help point me in the right direction.

> //
> // ********** Digital Pins D0 thru D13 **********
> // Using 0 and 1 disables upload!     
> //#define DO_NOT_USE_0         0
> //#define DO_NOT_USE_1         1
> #define SHOULDER_PIN         2
> #define ELBOW_PIN            3
> #define WRIST_PIN            4
> #define SPEAKER_PIN          5
> #define BASE_PIN             6
> #define BACKPAN_PIN    7
> #define ONBOARD_PB_B         8
> #define BACKTILT_PIN        9
> #define WRISTROTATE_PIN     10 
> #define GRIPPER_PIN         11
> #define BACKELBOW_PIN       12  
> #define BACKGRIPPER_PIN     13  
> float x, y, z;
> #include <OneSheeld.h>
> /* Include Motor library. */
> #include <AFMotor.h>
> #include <Servo.h> 
> #include <pitch.h>
> /* Pin configuration of the Seeedstudio's motor shield. */
> int motorAPin1 = A1;
> int motorAPin2 = A2;
> int motorBPin1 = A3;
> int motorBPin2 = A4;
> int motorASpeedPin = A0;
> int motorBSpeedPin = A5;
> // *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
> //  Global Variables.
> //  Professional programmers cringe at the thought of globals, but they seem to be generally acceptable in the "wild west" Arduino world.
> //  Prudent use of them simplifies program design since variable passing via parameters between functions are reduced.
> // *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
> // An homage to every program I've written since my WATFIV days.
> // Every program needs an "int i", right?
> int i;
> // Servos that make up the AL5D
> Servo Base, Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, WristRotate, Gripper, BackElbow, BackGripper, BackPan, BackTilt;
> // Store the current servo angles
> int   currentBaseAngle, currentShoulderAngle, currentElbowAngle, 
>       currentWristAngle, currentWristRotateAngle, currentGripperAngle, 
>       currentBackElbowAngle, currentBackGripperAngle, currentBackPanAngle, currentBackTiltAngle;
> // Control the speed of the arm movements.  Increase angle, decrease delay to make arm react faster.
> int   servoStepAngle = 2 , servoStepDelay = 25;
> // Determine whether the arm is under user control, or autonomous demo mode.
> bool   demoMode = false;
> //
> // **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
> // Function Prototypes <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                                                               
> // **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
> void gamepadControl       ( void );
> void gamepadControl_BORG  ( void );
> void gamepadControl_RULD  ( void );
> void shaveAndAHaircut     ( void );
> void rotateBase           ( const int& endAt );
> void rotateShoulder       ( const int& endAt );
> void rotateElbow          ( const int& endAt );
> void rotateWrist          ( const int& endAt );
> void rotateWristRotate    ( const int& endAt );
> void rotateGripper        ( const int& endAt );
> void rotateBackElbow      ( const int& endAt );
> void rotateBackGripper    ( const int& endAt );
> void rotateBackPan        ( const int& endAt );
> void rotateBackTilt       ( const int& endAt );
> void rotateServo          ( const int& endAt , Servo& whichServo , int& currentAngle );
> void deployArms           ( void );
> void grabVerticalItem     ( void );
> void dropItem             ( void );
> void autonomousDemo       ( void );
> #ifdef SecondArm_Installed
> void grabItemFromBackArm  ( void );
> #endif
> void extendArm            ( const int& = 34 , const bool& = 0 );    // If no arguments provided, default Shoulder height is 34, default "withItem" is no
> void retractArm           ( const int& = 150 );                     // If no argument provided, default Shoulder height is 150,
> // *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
> // Main program <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
> // *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
> void setup() {
>     // Connect to your Smartphone/Tablet for remote control
>     OneSheeld.begin( );
> // Init the BotBoarduino onboard push button B
>     pinMode ( ONBOARD_PB_B , INPUT );
>     deployArms( );
>  /* Motor shield initialization. */
>   pinMode(motorAPin1, OUTPUT);    // IN1 of motor A
>   pinMode(motorAPin2, OUTPUT);    // IN2 of motor A
>   pinMode(motorBPin1, OUTPUT);    // IN3 of motor B
>   pinMode(motorBPin2, OUTPUT);    // IN4 of motor B
>  pinMode(motorASpeedPin, OUTPUT); // Speed of motor A
>  pinMode(motorBSpeedPin, OUTPUT); // Speed of Motor B
> }
> void loop() {
>     if ( digitalRead ( ONBOARD_PB_B ) == LOW ) demoMode = false; 
>     if ( demoMode )  autonomousDemo( ); 
>     else             gamepadControl( );
> }
> // *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
> // Functions <---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> // *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
> // Incoming parameters :   constant reference to an int denoting servo angle to move to.  
> // Global variables    :   Uses    -   "Servo", current"Servo"Angle
> //                         Changes -  
> // Responsibilities    :   Passes servo variables on to generic servo control function.
> // Returns             :   Nothing.
> void rotateBase         ( const int& endAt ) {  rotateServo( endAt , Base ,        currentBaseAngle );        }
> void rotateShoulder     ( const int& endAt ) {  rotateServo( endAt , Shoulder ,    currentShoulderAngle );    }
> void rotateElbow        ( const int& endAt ) {  rotateServo( endAt , Elbow ,       currentElbowAngle );       }
> void rotateWrist        ( const int& endAt ) {  rotateServo( endAt , Wrist ,       currentWristAngle );       }
> void rotateWristRotate  ( const int& endAt ) {  rotateServo( endAt , WristRotate , currentWristRotateAngle ); }
> void rotateGripper      ( const int& endAt ) {  rotateServo( endAt , Gripper ,     currentGripperAngle );     }
> void rotateBackElbow    ( const int& endAt ) {  rotateServo( endAt , BackElbow ,   currentBackElbowAngle );   }
> void rotateBackGripper  ( const int& endAt ) {  rotateServo( endAt , BackGripper , currentBackGripperAngle ); }
> void rotateBackPan      ( const int& endAt ) {  rotateServo( endAt , BackPan,      currentBackPanAngle ); }
> void rotateBackTilt     ( const int& endAt ) {  rotateServo( endAt , BackTilt,     currentBackTiltAngle ); }
> void rotateServo ( const int& endAt , Servo& whichServo , int& currentAngle ) {  
>     // Incoming parameters :   constant reference to an int denoting servo angle to move to,
>     //                         reference to a Servo instance,
>     //                         reference to the current angle of the Servo
>     // Global variables    :   Uses    -   servoStepAngle, servoStepSpeed
>     //                         Changes -   "current...Angle" of Servo passed by reference
>     // Responsibilities    :   Moves desired Servo to requested angle.  Changes "current...Angle" of that Servo.
>     //                         Why this function?  Moving a Servo from one angle to another can be a rather fast and brutal action,
>     //                         not very conducive to finely controlling the action(s) of the arm.
>     //                         This function slows the movements down to a smooth and managable speed.
>     //                         Want faster or slower?   Just manipulate the values of globals servoStepAngle and servoStepSpeed.
>     // Returns             :   Nothing.
>     if ( currentAngle == endAt ) return;
>     if ( currentAngle < 0 ) { 
>       tone(5, 999, 250);  // Stop that!
>       whichServo.write(currentAngle = 2);    delay(servoStepDelay);
>       return;
>     }
>     if ( currentAngle > 180 ) { 
>       tone(5, 999, 250);  // Stop that!
>       whichServo.write(currentAngle = 178);    delay(servoStepDelay);
>       return;
>     }
>     if ( endAt > currentAngle ) {
>         for ( int i = currentAngle; i <= endAt; i += servoStepAngle ) { 
>             whichServo.write(currentAngle = i);    delay(servoStepDelay); 
>         }
>     }
>     else {
>         for ( int i = currentAngle; i >= endAt; i -= servoStepAngle ) { 
>             whichServo.write(currentAngle = i);    delay(servoStepDelay); 
>         }
>     }
> }
> void deployArms ( void ) {
>     // Incoming parameters :   Nothing.
>     // Global variables    :   Uses    -   
>     //                         Changes -  currentBaseAngle, currentShoulderAngle, currentElbowAngle, 
>     //                                    currentWristAngle, currentWristRotateAngle, currentGripperAngle,
>     //                                    currentBackElbowAngle, currentBackGripperAngle
>     // Responsibilities    :   Set arm(s) and global current...Angle's to initial working position. 
>     //                         You can fine tune this to other behaviour if you wish.
>     // Returns             :   Nothing.
>                    BackGripper.attach  (BACKGRIPPER_PIN);   BackGripper.write (currentBackGripperAngle  = 90);
>     delay(1500);   BackElbow.attach    (BACKELBOW_PIN);     BackElbow.write   (currentBackElbowAngle    =  90); 
>     delay(1500);  BackPan.attach       (BACKPAN_PIN);       BackPan.write     (currentBackPanAngle      = 90);
>     delay(1500);  BackTilt.attach      (BACKTILT_PIN);      BackTilt.write    (currentBackTiltAngle     = 90); 
>     delay( 500);   Shoulder.attach     (SHOULDER_PIN);      Shoulder.write    (currentShoulderAngle     =  90); 
>     delay( 500);   Elbow.attach        (ELBOW_PIN);         Elbow.write       (currentElbowAngle        = 136); 
>     delay( 500);   Wrist.attach        (WRIST_PIN);         Wrist.write       (currentWristAngle        =  70);
>     delay( 500);   WristRotate.attach  (WRISTROTATE_PIN);   WristRotate.write (currentWristRotateAngle  = 160);
>     delay( 500);   Gripper.attach      (GRIPPER_PIN);       Gripper.write     (currentGripperAngle      = 90);                                                        
>     delay( 500);   Base.attach         (BASE_PIN);          Base.write        (currentBaseAngle         =  90);
>     delay(1000);   retractArm( ); 
> }
> void gamepadControl ( void ) {
>     // Incoming parameters :   Nothing.
>     // Global variables    :   Uses    -   
>     //                         Changes -  
>     // Responsibilities    :   Control arm servos using 1Sheeld Gamepad Buttons...
>     //
>     //                                 Orange, Blue, Red, Green buttons are used in conjunction with Up, Left, Right, Down buttons.
>     //                                 Up, Left, Right, Down buttons can be used independently.
>     // Returns             :   Nothing.
>     if (  GamePad.isBluePressed( )    ||  GamePad.isOrangePressed( ) || 
>           GamePad.isRedPressed( )     ||  GamePad.isGreenPressed( ) ) {
>             gamepadControl_BORG( );
>     }
>     else if (  GamePad.isUpPressed( )       ||  GamePad.isDownPressed( ) || 
>                GamePad.isLeftPressed( )     ||  GamePad.isRightPressed( ) ) {
>             gamepadControl_RULD( );
>     }
> }
> void gamepadControl_BORG ( void ) {
>     // Incoming parameters :   Nothing.
>     // Global variables    :   Uses    -  currentBaseAngle, currentShoulderAngle, currentElbowAngle, 
>     //                                    currentWristAngle, currentWristRotateAngle, currentGripperAngle,
>     //                                    servoStepAngle 
>     //                         Changes -  
>     // Responsibilities    :   Control primary arm servos using the following 1Sheeld Gamepad Button Combinations...
>     //
>     //                          Green   ... Up/Down - Back Elbow, Left/Right - Back Gripper
>     //                          Red    ... Up/Down - Gripper Open/Close, Left/Right - Gripper Rotate
>     //                          Blue     ... Up/Down - Elbow, Wrist
>     //                          Orange  ... Up/Down - Shoulder, Left/Right - |Base
>     // Returns             :   Nothing.
> if ( GamePad.isOrangePressed( ) ) {
>             if ( GamePad.isUpPressed( ) ) {
>                   // tone(5, 111, 250);
>                   rotateShoulder( currentShoulderAngle - servoStepAngle );          
>             }
>             else if ( GamePad.isDownPressed( ) ) {
>                   // tone(5, 222, 250);
>                   rotateShoulder( currentShoulderAngle + servoStepAngle );
>             }
>             else if ( GamePad.isLeftPressed( ) ) {
>                   // tone(5, 333, 250);
>                   rotateBase( currentBaseAngle + servoStepAngle );          
>             }
>             else if ( GamePad.isRightPressed( ) ) {
>                   // tone(5, 444, 250);
>                   rotateBase( currentBaseAngle - servoStepAngle );
>             }
> }
>     else if ( GamePad.isBluePressed( ) ) {
>             if ( GamePad.isUpPressed( ) ) {
>                  rotateElbow( currentElbowAngle + servoStepAngle );          
>             }
>             else if ( GamePad.isDownPressed( ) ) {
>                    rotateElbow( currentElbowAngle - servoStepAngle );
>             }
>             else if ( GamePad.isLeftPressed( ) ) {
>                   // tone(5, 333, 250);
>                   rotateWristRotate( currentWristRotateAngle - servoStepAngle );          
>             }
>             else if ( GamePad.isRightPressed( ) ) {
>                   // tone(5, 444, 250);
>                   rotateWristRotate( currentWristRotateAngle + servoStepAngle );
>             }
>     }
>     else if ( GamePad.isRedPressed( ) ) {
>             if ( GamePad.isUpPressed( ) ) {
>                   // tone(5, 111, 250);
>                   rotateGripper( currentGripperAngle + servoStepAngle );          
>             }
>             else if ( GamePad.isDownPressed( ) ) {
>                   // tone(5, 222, 250);
>                   rotateGripper( currentGripperAngle - servoStepAngle );
>             }
>             else if ( GamePad.isLeftPressed( ) ) {
>                   // tone(5, 333, 250);
>                   rotateWrist( currentWristAngle - servoStepAngle );          
>             }
>             else if ( GamePad.isRightPressed( ) ) {
>                   // tone(5, 444, 250);
>                   rotateWrist( currentWristAngle + servoStepAngle );
>             }
>     }
>     else if ( GamePad.isGreenPressed( ) ) {
>             if ( GamePad.isUpPressed( ) ) {
>                    // tone(5, 111, 250);  // Activate tones for debugging purposes if you wish
>                   rotateBackElbow  ( currentBackElbowAngle - servoStepAngle ); 
>             }
>             else if ( GamePad.isDownPressed( ) ) {
>                   // tone(5, 222, 250);
>            rotateBackElbow  ( currentBackElbowAngle + servoStepAngle );
>             }
>             else if ( GamePad.isLeftPressed( ) ) {
>                  // tone(5, 333, 250);
>            rotateBackGripper  ( currentBackGripperAngle + servoStepAngle );  
>             }
>             else if ( GamePad.isRightPressed( ) ) {
>             // tone(5, 444, 250);
>            rotateBackGripper  ( currentBackGripperAngle - servoStepAngle );
>             }
>     }
>     }
> void gamepadControl_RULD ( void ) {
>     // Incoming parameters :   Nothing.
>     // Global variables    :   Uses    -  currentBackElbowAngle, currentBackGripperAngle,
>     //                                    servoStepAngle 
>     // Returns             :   Nothing.
>      /* Always check the status of gamepad buttons. */
>             if ( GamePad.isUpPressed( ) ) {
>                  rotateBackTilt( currentBackTiltAngle + servoStepAngle );          
>             }
>             else if ( GamePad.isDownPressed( ) ) {
>                    rotateBackTilt( currentBackTiltAngle - servoStepAngle );
>             }
>             else if ( GamePad.isLeftPressed( ) ) {
>                   // tone(5, 333, 250);
>                   rotateBackPan( currentBackPanAngle - servoStepAngle );          
>             }
>             else if ( GamePad.isRightPressed( ) ) {
>                   // tone(5, 444, 250);
>                   rotateBackPan( currentBackPanAngle + servoStepAngle );
>             }
>   x=AccelerometerSensor.getX();
>   y=AccelerometerSensor.getY();
>   z=AccelerometerSensor.getZ();
>   /* If tilt forward move forward */
> if ((x < -4) && (x > -8)) 
>   {
>     analogWrite(motorASpeedPin, 122);
>    analogWrite(motorBSpeedPin, 122);
>     digitalWrite(motorAPin1, LOW);
>     digitalWrite(motorAPin2, HIGH);
>     digitalWrite(motorBPin1, LOW);
>     digitalWrite(motorBPin2, HIGH);
>   }
>   else if (x < -8)
> {
>     analogWrite(motorASpeedPin, 255);
>    analogWrite(motorBSpeedPin, 255);
>     digitalWrite(motorAPin1, LOW);
>     digitalWrite(motorAPin2, HIGH);
>     digitalWrite(motorBPin1, LOW);
>     digitalWrite(motorBPin2, HIGH);
>   }
>   /* If tilted backward, move the car backwards. */
> else if ((x > 4) && (x < 8))
>   {
>    analogWrite(motorASpeedPin, 122);
>    analogWrite(motorBSpeedPin, 122);
>     digitalWrite(motorAPin1, HIGH);
>     digitalWrite(motorAPin2, LOW);
>     digitalWrite(motorBPin1, HIGH);
>     digitalWrite(motorBPin2, LOW);
>   }
>   else if (x > 8)
>   {
>    analogWrite(motorASpeedPin, 255);
>    analogWrite(motorBSpeedPin, 255);
>     digitalWrite(motorAPin1, HIGH);
>     digitalWrite(motorAPin2, LOW);
>     digitalWrite(motorBPin1, HIGH);
>     digitalWrite(motorBPin2, LOW);
>   }
>   /* If tilted right, turn the car to the right. */
>   else if ((y < -4) && (y > -8))
>   {
>     analogWrite(motorASpeedPin, 122);
>     analogWrite(motorBSpeedPin, 122);
>     digitalWrite(motorAPin1, LOW);
>     digitalWrite(motorAPin2, HIGH);
>     digitalWrite(motorBPin1, HIGH);
>     digitalWrite(motorBPin2, LOW);
>   }
>    else if (y < -8)
>   {
>     analogWrite(motorASpeedPin, 255);
>     analogWrite(motorBSpeedPin, 255);
>     digitalWrite(motorAPin1, LOW);
>     digitalWrite(motorAPin2, HIGH);
>     digitalWrite(motorBPin1, HIGH);
>     digitalWrite(motorBPin2, LOW);
>   }
>   /* If tilted left, turn the car to the left. */
>   else if ((y > 4) && (y < 8))
>   {
>     analogWrite(motorASpeedPin, 122);
>     analogWrite(motorBSpeedPin, 122);
>     digitalWrite(motorAPin1, HIGH);
>     digitalWrite(motorAPin2, LOW);
>     digitalWrite(motorBPin1, LOW);
>     digitalWrite(motorBPin2, HIGH);
>   }
>   else if (y > 8)
>   {
>     analogWrite(motorASpeedPin, 255);
>     analogWrite(motorBSpeedPin, 255);
>     digitalWrite(motorAPin1, HIGH);
>     digitalWrite(motorAPin2, LOW);
>     digitalWrite(motorBPin1, LOW);
>     digitalWrite(motorBPin2, HIGH);
>   }
>   /* If nothing is 
>   /* If nothing is pressed stop all motors. */
>   else
>   {
>     //analogWrite(motorASpeedPin, 0);
>     //analogWrite(motorBSpeedPin, 0);
>     digitalWrite(motorAPin1, LOW);
>     digitalWrite(motorAPin2, LOW);
>     digitalWrite(motorBPin1, LOW);
>     digitalWrite(motorBPin2, LOW);
>   }
> }  
>   void shaveAndAHaircut ( void ) {
>     // Incoming parameters :   Nothing.
>     // Global variables    :   Uses    -   
>     //                         Changes -  
>     // Responsibilities    :   Plays the tune. 
>     // Returns             :   Nothing.
>     // Individual notes
>     int melody_ShaveHaircut[] = {
>       NOTE_C4, NOTE_G3, NOTE_G3, NOTE_A3, NOTE_G3, 0, NOTE_B3, NOTE_C4
>     };
>     // Note durations: 4 = quarter note, 8 = eighth note, etc.
>     int noteDurations_ShaveHaircut[] = {
>       4, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
>     };
>     int noteDuration;
>     for (int thisNote = 0; thisNote < 8; thisNote++) {
>       // To calculate the note duration, take one second divided by the note type.
>       // e.g. quarter note = 1000 / 4, eighth note = 1000/8, etc.
>       noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations_ShaveHaircut[thisNote];
>       tone(SPEAKER_PIN, melody_ShaveHaircut[thisNote], noteDuration);
>       // To distinguish the notes, set a minimum time between them.
>       // The note's duration + 30% seems to work well      
>       delay(noteDuration * 1.30);
>       // Stop the tone playing
>       noTone(SPEAKER_PIN);
>     }
> }
> void retractArm ( const int& shoulderStop ) {
>     // Incoming parameters :   constant reference to an int denoting ending angle of Shoulder servo.
>     // Global variables    :   Uses    -  servoStepAngle, servoStepDelay 
>     //                         Changes -  currentShoulderAngle, currentElbowAngle, currentWristAngle
>     // Responsibilities    :   Retracts the arm in a predetermined manner.  
>     //                         A function of convenience, takes the place of the user having to perform
>     //                         a number of actions.   Modify to suit your needs. 
>     // Returns             :   Nothing.
>     int braking = 0;
>     for ( int i =  currentShoulderAngle; i <=  shoulderStop; i += servoStepAngle ) { 
>         Shoulder.write(currentShoulderAngle = i);
>         if ( (i+86) <= 180 ) Elbow.write(currentElbowAngle = i+86);
>         // Keep the wrist as horizontal as possible
>         if      ( i <= 90  ) Wrist.write(currentWristAngle = 140);
>         else if ( i >= 150 ) Wrist.write(currentWristAngle =  75);             
>         else                 Wrist.write(currentWristAngle = ( 140 - ( i - 90 )) ); 
>         // As you rise towards 90 degrees, weight is working for you, keeping things slow.
>         // Past 90 degrees, weight works against you as it increases the speed of the arm,
>         // resulting in an momentum that builds the farther you go.
>         // The following formula calculates an extra time in servo delay, resulting in a
>         // braking action.
>         braking = ( i > 90 ) ?  ( ( i - 90 ) / 10 ) * 15  : 0;
>         delay(servoStepDelay+braking); 
>     }
>     delay(1000);
> }
> void extendArm ( const int& shoulderStop , const bool& withItem ) {
>     // Incoming parameters :   constant reference to an int denoting ending angle of Shoulder servo.
>     //                         constant reference to a bool denoting if the arm is holding an item ( 0 - no , 1 - yes ).
>     // Global variables    :   Uses    -  servoStepAngle, servoStepDelay 
>     //                         Changes -  currentShoulderAngle, currentElbowAngle, currentWristAngle
>     // Responsibilities    :   Extend the arm in a predetermined manner.  
>     //                         A function of convenience, takes the place of the user having to perform
>     //                         a number of actions.   Modify to suit your needs.
>     // Returns             :   Nothing.
>     for ( int i =  currentShoulderAngle; i >=  shoulderStop; i -= servoStepAngle ) { 
>         if ( (i+86) <= 180 ) Elbow.write(currentElbowAngle = i+86);  
>         Shoulder.write(currentShoulderAngle = i);     
>         if ( withItem ) {
>             // Keep the wrist as horizontal as possible
>             if      ( i <= 90  ) Wrist.write(currentWristAngle = 140);
>             else if ( i >= 150 ) Wrist.write(currentWristAngle =  75);             
>             else                 Wrist.write(currentWristAngle = ( 140 - ( i - 90 )) );
>         }
>         else {
>             // Move the wrist to angle up onto an item that is to be grasped
>                                  Wrist.write(currentWristAngle = 160-i);
>         }
>         delay(servoStepDelay); 
>     }
>     delay(1000);
> }
> void grabVerticalItem ( void ) {
>     // Incoming parameters :   Nothing.
>     // Global variables    :   Uses    -   
>     //                         Changes -  
>     // Responsibilities    :   Grabs a vertical item (something "standing up" rather than "laying down") with the Gripper  
>     //                         A function of convenience, takes the place of the user having to perform
>     //                         a number of actions.   Modify to suit your needs.
>     // Returns             :   Nothing.
>     delay( 100);   rotateWristRotate  ( 70);  // Rotate to grab a vertical item ( ie | )
>     delay( 100);   rotateGripper      ( 00);  // Open 
>     delay(2000);   rotateGripper      (180);  // Close
>     //delay(2000);   rotateWristRotate  (160);  // Rotate item to horizontal ( ie --- )
>     //delay( 100);   rotateWrist        (180);  // Raise
>     //delay(1000);
> }
> void dropItem ( void ) {
>     // Incoming parameters :   Nothing.
>     // Global variables    :   Uses    -  
>     //                         Changes -  
>     // Responsibilities    :   Releases an item from the Gripper.  
>     //                         A function of convenience, takes the place of the user having to perform
>     //                         a number of actions.   Modify to suit your needs.  
>     // Returns             :   Nothing.
>     delay( 500);   rotateWrist    ( 40);   // Lower  
>     delay( 500);   rotateGripper  ( 00);   // Open 
>     delay( 500);   rotateShoulder ( 44);   // Raise arm a little
>     delay( 500);   rotateGripper  (180);   // Close
>     delay( 500);   rotateWrist    (180);   // Raise 
>     delay( 500);
> }
> void autonomousDemo ( void ) {
>     // Incoming parameters :   Nothing.
>     // Global variables    :   Uses    -   
>     //                         Changes -  currentBaseAngle
>     // Responsibilities    :   Run the arm through a series of actions for demonstration purposes.
>     // Returns             :   Nothing.
>     // Announce start of demo
>     shaveAndAHaircut  (   );
>     // Grab an item from the front
>     rotateBase        ( 90);    // Move arm to front
>     rotateWristRotate ( 70);    // Rotate to grab a vertical item ( ie | )
>     rotateGripper     ( 00);    // Open before moving arm into position                
>     extendArm         ( 14);    // Modify to suit your height requirement   
>     rotateWrist       (130);    // Tweak wrist angle if required  
>     rotateGripper     (180);    // Close on item     
>     retractArm        (110);    // Move back to this Shoulder angle
>     delay(1000);
>     // Place it to the right
>     rotateBase        (180);    // Move arm full right
>     rotateWristRotate ( 70);    // Rotate to place vertical item ( ie | )           
>     extendArm         (14,1);   // Modify to suit your height requirement
>     //rotateWrist       (???);    // Tweak wrist angle if required    
>     rotateGripper     ( 00);    // Open to release item     
>     retractArm        (   );    // Park arm
>     #ifdef SecondArm_Installed   
>     grabItemFromBackArm (   );  // Interact with back arm (optional)    
>     retractArm          (   );  // Return to standard starting position
>     #endif 
>     // Grab an item from the right
>     rotateBase        (180);    // Move arm full right
>     rotateWristRotate ( 70);    // Rotate to grab a vertical item ( ie | )
>     rotateGripper     ( 00);    // Open before moving arm into position                
>     extendArm         ( 14);    // Modify to suit your height requirement 
>     //rotateWrist       (???);    // Tweak wrist angle if required
>     rotateGripper     (180);    // Close on item      
>     retractArm        (110);    // Move back to this Shoulder angle
>     delay(1000);
>     // Place it in front
>     rotateBase        ( 90);    // Move arm to front
>     rotateWristRotate ( 70);    // Rotate to place vertical item ( ie | )           
>     extendArm         (14,1);   // Modify to suit your height requirement
>     rotateWrist       (130);    // Tweak wrist angle if required    
>     rotateGripper     ( 00);    // Open to release item      
>     retractArm        (   );    // Park arm
> }
> #ifdef SecondArm_Installed
> void grabItemFromBackArm ( void ) {
>     // Incoming parameters :   Nothing.
>     // Global variables    :   Uses    -  Wrist, WristRotate, Gripper, 
>     //                                    BackElbow, BackGripper 
>     //                         Changes -  currentWristAngle, currentWristRotateAngle, currentGripperAngle, 
>     //                                    currentBackElbowAngle, currentBackGripperAngle
>     // Responsibilities    :   The primary arm will reach back, grab an item from the secondary arm,
>     //                         raise it in the air, and then return it to the secondary arm.
>     //                         Admittedly not very useful, just a demo of arm capabilities. 
>     //                         A function of convenience, takes the place of the user having to perform
>     //                         a number of actions.   Modify to suit your needs.
>     //
>     //                         Why all the attach's and detach's?   With all the servos operating, I was
>     //                         getting feedback through some of the circuits, causing servo flutter and 
>     //                         undesirable effects.  Shutting down unnecessary servos solved the problem.  
>     //                         You may or may not have the same issues.
>     // Returns             :   Nothing.
>     // Announce beginning of sequence.
>     for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { tone(5, 444, 250); delay(500); tone(5, 888, 250); delay(500); }
>     // Grab something if BotBoarduino BotBoarduino onboard push button C is pressed 
>     if ( digitalRead ( ONBOARD_PB_C ) == LOW ) {
>                        BackGripper.attach  (BACKGRIPPER_PIN);
>        delay( 500);    rotateBackGripper   (180);                                      // Open to accept item
>                        while ( digitalRead ( ONBOARD_PB_C ) == LOW ) delay(500);       // Wait until button released
>                        rotateBackGripper   ( 00);                                      // Close to grab item
>     }    
>     // Raise back arm.
>     BackElbow.attach    (BACKELBOW_PIN);
>     rotateBackGripper   ( 00);      // Make sure gripper is closed    
>     rotateBackElbow     ( 16); 
>     BackElbow.detach    (   );        
>     // Orient wrist and gripper for the task.           
>     rotateWrist         (120);    
>     rotateWristRotate   ( 70);
>     rotateGripper       ( 00);  // Open in preparation  
>     // Move front arm backwards to contact item.
>     rotateBase          ( 90);
>     rotateShoulder      ( 90); 
>     rotateElbow         ( 00);    
>     // Exchange item from back to front.
>     // My gripper servos are configured differently...
>     // Gripper closes at 180, but BackGripper opens at 180.
>     // Adjust your angles to suit your setup.
>     delay( 500);   BackGripper.attach  (BACKGRIPPER_PIN);    
>     delay( 500);   rotateGripper       (180);       // Close on item
>     delay( 500);   rotateBackGripper   (180);       // Open to release item
>     delay( 500);   BackGripper.detach  (   );
>     // Raise in the air, then return item.    
>     delay( 500);    rotateElbow        ( 90); 
>     delay( 500);    rotateShoulder     ( 88);
>     delay(2000);    rotateElbow        ( 00);
>     // Exchange item from front to back.
>     // My gripper servos are configured differently...
>     // Gripper opens at 00, but BackGripper closes at 00.
>     // Adjust your angles to suit your setup.
>                     BackGripper.attach  (BACKGRIPPER_PIN);    
>     delay( 500);    rotateBackGripper   ( 00);      // Close to grip item   
>     delay( 500);    rotateGripper       ( 00);      // Open to release item
>     // At this point, there a lot of power being drawn because so many servos are operating.
>     // Shut down unnecessary servos to lessen the load on your circuits. 
>     // Leave the Shoulder attached because it's holding up the arm.
>     delay( 500);    Wrist.detach        ( );     
>                     WristRotate.detach  ( );
>                     Gripper.detach      ( );
>     // Lower back arm
>     BackElbow.attach    (BACKELBOW_PIN);
>     rotateBackElbow     ( 88);      // Lower back arm
>     BackElbow.detach    (   );
>     // Raise front arm.   
>     delay( 500);    rotateElbow        (180);    
>     delay( 500);    rotateShoulder     (150);
>     // Reattach to front arm servos.
>     Wrist.attach        (WRIST_PIN);
>     WristRotate.attach  (WRISTROTATE_PIN);
>     Gripper.attach      (GRIPPER_PIN);
>     delay(500);
> }
> #endif

That old driver chip will steal about 4V from the motor supply voltage. Use a modern MOSFET driver instead, it will also extend your battery life time.

What's your motor supply and rated motor voltage?

The supply is currently from a 6v nimh battery pack and they are 6v max motors. I've just noticed that the pins I use for controlling the speed when using a similar code on the uno are both pwm capable. Could this be the problem as I do not know which pins are pwm on the botboarduino?

As I told you already, the motor driver will consume 4V and leave only 2V for your 6V motors. No chance :frowning:

I'm running the same motors, module and battery with an uno and it works fine, I've also tried running it with 2 x 18650's for the motors and a separate supply for the botboarduino but nothing moves. Is it possible that the code or pin selection us wrong.

People here tend to exaggerate the age of L298....
L298 not the best solution, but it should be possible to get it going.
If I remember correctly, the l298 will need two pwm capable pins. You will need to get a board lay out drawing to find which pins have pwn. On Uno they are marked with ~.
The new fet technology will also need pwm, so buying a new board might not help...
Here is info on the board:
it also tells where the pwm pins are...

Thanks build_1971. I thought that it might be a pwm issue just after I sent the initial post.
My other project is using 2 x pwm pins for speed control and 4 analog pins for direction and that works well.
I'd forgotten all about pwm on this one.
I'll try it later.
Out of interest, what other motor control boards would you recommend for small projects?

To be really honest, I own several L298 boards and chips. For me they work. But the ones with (mos)fets are more efficient.
Maybe someone else can do a recommendation. Or look in the forum for L298. I am pretty sure some of the exaggerating people here, will shout an alternative driver in the second post (even if it won't solve your problem).

Are you using PWM on pins that don't have this feature?
are you using PWM and pins that don't have this feature?

  int motorASpeedPin = A0;
  int motorBSpeedPin = A5;

   analogWrite(motorASpeedPin, 122);
   analogWrite(motorBSpeedPin, 122);
1 Like

Good morning all,
I realised my error with the PWM pins and changed to code to suit. I've tested the motor code on it's own and it is working correctly, but it does not work when the rest of the code is put back in. I'm sure that it's something daft but I cannot see what it is. Please could you take a look through the code and see if there is something obvious.

// ********** Digital Pins D0 thru D13 **********

// Using 0 and 1 disables upload!     

//#define DO_NOT_USE_0         0
//#define DO_NOT_USE_1         1

#define SHOULDER_PIN       2  
#define ELBOW_PIN           3
#define WRIST_PIN            4
//#define SPEAKER_PIN          5

#define BASE_PIN          6   
#define BACKPAN_PIN    7
#define ONBOARD_PB_B         8
#define BACKTILT_PIN     9   

#define WRISTROTATE_PIN     10
#define GRIPPER_PIN         11

#define BACKELBOW_PIN      12  
#define BACKGRIPPER_PIN      13



float x, y, z;
#include <OneSheeld.h>
/* Include Motor library. */
#include <AFMotor.h>
#include <Servo.h> 
#include <pitch.h>

/* Pin configuration of the Seeedstudio's motor shield. */
int motorAPin1 = A1;
int motorAPin2 = A2;
int motorBPin1 = A3;
int motorBPin2 = A4;
int motorASpeedPin = 5;
int motorBSpeedPin = 5;

// *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
//  Global Variables.
//  Professional programmers cringe at the thought of globals, but they seem to be generally acceptable in the "wild west" Arduino world.
//  Prudent use of them simplifies program design since variable passing via parameters between functions are reduced.
// *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************

// An homage to every program I've written since my WATFIV days.
// Every program needs an "int i", right?
int i;

// Servos that make up the AL5D
Servo Base, Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, WristRotate, Gripper, BackElbow, BackGripper, BackPan, BackTilt;

// Store the current servo angles
int   currentBaseAngle, currentShoulderAngle, currentElbowAngle, 
      currentWristAngle, currentWristRotateAngle, currentGripperAngle, 
      currentBackElbowAngle, currentBackGripperAngle, currentBackPanAngle, currentBackTiltAngle;

// Control the speed of the arm movements.  Increase angle, decrease delay to make arm react faster.
int   servoStepAngle = 2 , servoStepDelay = 25;
// Determine whether the arm is under user control, or autonomous demo mode.
bool   demoMode = false;

// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
// Function Prototypes <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                                                               
// **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************

void gamepadControl       ( void );
void gamepadControl_BORG  ( void );
void gamepadControl_RULD  ( void );
void shaveAndAHaircut     ( void );

void rotateBase           ( const int& endAt );
void rotateShoulder       ( const int& endAt );
void rotateElbow          ( const int& endAt );
void rotateWrist          ( const int& endAt );
void rotateWristRotate    ( const int& endAt );
void rotateGripper        ( const int& endAt );
void rotateBackElbow      ( const int& endAt );
void rotateBackGripper    ( const int& endAt );
void rotateBackPan        ( const int& endAt );
void rotateBackTilt       ( const int& endAt );
void rotateServo          ( const int& endAt , Servo& whichServo , int& currentAngle );

void deployArms           ( void );
void grabVerticalItem     ( void );
void dropItem             ( void );
void autonomousDemo       ( void );

#ifdef SecondArm_Installed
void grabItemFromBackArm  ( void );
void extendArm            ( const int& = 34 , const bool& = 0 );    // If no arguments provided, default Shoulder height is 34, default "withItem" is no
void retractArm           ( const int& = 150 );                     // If no argument provided, default Shoulder height is 150,

// *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
// Main program <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
// *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
void setup() {

    // Connect to your Smartphone/Tablet for remote control
    OneSheeld.begin( );
// Init the BotBoarduino onboard push button B

    pinMode ( ONBOARD_PB_B , INPUT );

    deployArms( );

 /* Motor shield initialization. */
  pinMode(motorAPin1, OUTPUT);    // IN1 of motor A
  pinMode(motorAPin2, OUTPUT);    // IN2 of motor A
  pinMode(motorBPin1, OUTPUT);    // IN3 of motor B
  pinMode(motorBPin2, OUTPUT);    // IN4 of motor B
 pinMode(motorASpeedPin, OUTPUT); // Speed of motor A
 pinMode(motorBSpeedPin, OUTPUT); // Speed of Motor B


void loop() {

    if ( digitalRead ( ONBOARD_PB_B ) == LOW ) demoMode = false; 
    if ( demoMode )  autonomousDemo( ); 
    else             gamepadControl( );


// *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
// Functions <---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
// *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************

// Incoming parameters :   constant reference to an int denoting servo angle to move to.  
// Global variables    :   Uses    -   "Servo", current"Servo"Angle
//                         Changes -  
// Responsibilities    :   Passes servo variables on to generic servo control function.
// Returns             :   Nothing.

void rotateBase         ( const int& endAt ) {  rotateServo( endAt , Base ,        currentBaseAngle );        }
void rotateShoulder     ( const int& endAt ) {  rotateServo( endAt , Shoulder ,    currentShoulderAngle );    }
void rotateElbow        ( const int& endAt ) {  rotateServo( endAt , Elbow ,       currentElbowAngle );       }
void rotateWrist        ( const int& endAt ) {  rotateServo( endAt , Wrist ,       currentWristAngle );       }
void rotateWristRotate  ( const int& endAt ) {  rotateServo( endAt , WristRotate , currentWristRotateAngle ); }
void rotateGripper      ( const int& endAt ) {  rotateServo( endAt , Gripper ,     currentGripperAngle );     }
void rotateBackElbow    ( const int& endAt ) {  rotateServo( endAt , BackElbow ,   currentBackElbowAngle );   }
void rotateBackGripper  ( const int& endAt ) {  rotateServo( endAt , BackGripper , currentBackGripperAngle ); }
void rotateBackPan      ( const int& endAt ) {  rotateServo( endAt , BackPan,      currentBackPanAngle ); }
void rotateBackTilt     ( const int& endAt ) {  rotateServo( endAt , BackTilt,     currentBackTiltAngle ); }
void rotateServo ( const int& endAt , Servo& whichServo , int& currentAngle ) {  

    // Incoming parameters :   constant reference to an int denoting servo angle to move to,
    //                         reference to a Servo instance,
    //                         reference to the current angle of the Servo
    // Global variables    :   Uses    -   servoStepAngle, servoStepSpeed
    //                         Changes -   "current...Angle" of Servo passed by reference
    // Responsibilities    :   Moves desired Servo to requested angle.  Changes "current...Angle" of that Servo.
    //                         Why this function?  Moving a Servo from one angle to another can be a rather fast and brutal action,
    //                         not very conducive to finely controlling the action(s) of the arm.
    //                         This function slows the movements down to a smooth and managable speed.
    //                         Want faster or slower?   Just manipulate the values of globals servoStepAngle and servoStepSpeed.
    // Returns             :   Nothing.
    if ( currentAngle == endAt ) return;

    if ( currentAngle < 0 ) { 
      tone(5, 999, 250);  // Stop that!
      whichServo.write(currentAngle = 2);    delay(servoStepDelay);

    if ( currentAngle > 180 ) { 
      tone(5, 999, 250);  // Stop that!
      whichServo.write(currentAngle = 178);    delay(servoStepDelay);

    if ( endAt > currentAngle ) {
        for ( int i = currentAngle; i <= endAt; i += servoStepAngle ) { 
            whichServo.write(currentAngle = i);    delay(servoStepDelay); 
    else {
        for ( int i = currentAngle; i >= endAt; i -= servoStepAngle ) { 
            whichServo.write(currentAngle = i);    delay(servoStepDelay); 

void deployArms ( void ) {

    // Incoming parameters :   Nothing.
    // Global variables    :   Uses    -   
    //                         Changes -  currentBaseAngle, currentShoulderAngle, currentElbowAngle, 
    //                                    currentWristAngle, currentWristRotateAngle, currentGripperAngle,
    //                                    currentBackElbowAngle, currentBackGripperAngle
    // Responsibilities    :   Set arm(s) and global current...Angle's to initial working position. 
    //                         You can fine tune this to other behaviour if you wish.
    // Returns             :   Nothing.

                   BackGripper.attach  (BACKGRIPPER_PIN);   BackGripper.write (currentBackGripperAngle  = 90);
    delay(1500);   BackElbow.attach    (BACKELBOW_PIN);     BackElbow.write   (currentBackElbowAngle    =  90); 
    delay(1500);  BackPan.attach       (BACKPAN_PIN);       BackPan.write     (currentBackPanAngle      = 90);
    delay(1500);  BackTilt.attach      (BACKTILT_PIN);      BackTilt.write    (currentBackTiltAngle     = 90); 
    delay( 500);   Shoulder.attach     (SHOULDER_PIN);      Shoulder.write    (currentShoulderAngle     =  90); 
    delay( 500);   Elbow.attach        (ELBOW_PIN);         Elbow.write       (currentElbowAngle        = 136); 
    delay( 500);   Wrist.attach        (WRIST_PIN);         Wrist.write       (currentWristAngle        =  70);
    delay( 500);   WristRotate.attach  (WRISTROTATE_PIN);   WristRotate.write (currentWristRotateAngle  = 160);
    delay( 500);   Gripper.attach      (GRIPPER_PIN);       Gripper.write     (currentGripperAngle      = 90);                                                        
    delay( 500);   Base.attach         (BASE_PIN);          Base.write        (currentBaseAngle         =  90);
    delay(1000);   retractArm( ); 

void gamepadControl ( void ) {

    // Incoming parameters :   Nothing.
    // Global variables    :   Uses    -   
    //                         Changes -  
    // Responsibilities    :   Control arm servos using 1Sheeld Gamepad Buttons...
    //                                 Orange, Blue, Red, Green buttons are used in conjunction with Up, Left, Right, Down buttons.
    //                                 Up, Left, Right, Down buttons can be used independently.
    // Returns             :   Nothing.
    if (  GamePad.isBluePressed( )    ||  GamePad.isOrangePressed( ) || 
          GamePad.isRedPressed( )     ||  GamePad.isGreenPressed( ) ) {
            gamepadControl_BORG( );
    else if (  GamePad.isUpPressed( )       ||  GamePad.isDownPressed( ) || 
               GamePad.isLeftPressed( )     ||  GamePad.isRightPressed( ) ) {
            gamepadControl_RULD( );

void gamepadControl_BORG ( void ) {

    // Incoming parameters :   Nothing.
    // Global variables    :   Uses    -  currentBaseAngle, currentShoulderAngle, currentElbowAngle, 
    //                                    currentWristAngle, currentWristRotateAngle, currentGripperAngle,
    //                                    servoStepAngle 
    //                         Changes -  
    // Responsibilities    :   Control primary arm servos using the following 1Sheeld Gamepad Button Combinations...
    //                          Green   ... Up/Down - Back Elbow, Left/Right - Back Gripper
    //                          Red    ... Up/Down - Gripper Open/Close, Left/Right - Gripper Rotate
    //                          Blue     ... Up/Down - Elbow, Wrist
    //                          Orange  ... Up/Down - Shoulder, Left/Right - |Base
    // Returns             :   Nothing.
if ( GamePad.isOrangePressed( ) ) {

            if ( GamePad.isUpPressed( ) ) {
                  // tone(5, 111, 250);
                  rotateShoulder( currentShoulderAngle - servoStepAngle );          
            else if ( GamePad.isDownPressed( ) ) {
                  // tone(5, 222, 250);
                  rotateShoulder( currentShoulderAngle + servoStepAngle );
            else if ( GamePad.isLeftPressed( ) ) {
                  // tone(5, 333, 250);
                  rotateBase( currentBaseAngle + servoStepAngle );          
            else if ( GamePad.isRightPressed( ) ) {
                  // tone(5, 444, 250);
                  rotateBase( currentBaseAngle - servoStepAngle );

    else if ( GamePad.isBluePressed( ) ) {

            if ( GamePad.isUpPressed( ) ) {
                 rotateElbow( currentElbowAngle + servoStepAngle );          
            else if ( GamePad.isDownPressed( ) ) {
                   rotateElbow( currentElbowAngle - servoStepAngle );
            else if ( GamePad.isLeftPressed( ) ) {
                  // tone(5, 333, 250);
                  rotateWristRotate( currentWristRotateAngle - servoStepAngle );          
            else if ( GamePad.isRightPressed( ) ) {
                  // tone(5, 444, 250);
                  rotateWristRotate( currentWristRotateAngle + servoStepAngle );
    else if ( GamePad.isRedPressed( ) ) {

            if ( GamePad.isUpPressed( ) ) {
                  // tone(5, 111, 250);
                  rotateGripper( currentGripperAngle + servoStepAngle );          
            else if ( GamePad.isDownPressed( ) ) {
                  // tone(5, 222, 250);
                  rotateGripper( currentGripperAngle - servoStepAngle );
            else if ( GamePad.isLeftPressed( ) ) {
                  // tone(5, 333, 250);
                  rotateWrist( currentWristAngle - servoStepAngle );          
            else if ( GamePad.isRightPressed( ) ) {
                  // tone(5, 444, 250);
                  rotateWrist( currentWristAngle + servoStepAngle );
    else if ( GamePad.isGreenPressed( ) ) {

            if ( GamePad.isUpPressed( ) ) {
                   // tone(5, 111, 250);  // Activate tones for debugging purposes if you wish
                  rotateBackElbow  ( currentBackElbowAngle - servoStepAngle ); 
            else if ( GamePad.isDownPressed( ) ) {
                  // tone(5, 222, 250);
           rotateBackElbow  ( currentBackElbowAngle + servoStepAngle );

            else if ( GamePad.isLeftPressed( ) ) {
                 // tone(5, 333, 250);
           rotateBackGripper  ( currentBackGripperAngle + servoStepAngle );  
            else if ( GamePad.isRightPressed( ) ) {
            // tone(5, 444, 250);
           rotateBackGripper  ( currentBackGripperAngle - servoStepAngle );



void gamepadControl_RULD ( void ) {

    // Incoming parameters :   Nothing.
    // Global variables    :   Uses    -  currentBackElbowAngle, currentBackGripperAngle,
    //                                    servoStepAngle 

    // Returns             :   Nothing.

     /* Always check the status of gamepad buttons. */
            if ( GamePad.isUpPressed( ) ) {
                 rotateBackTilt( currentBackTiltAngle + servoStepAngle );          
            else if ( GamePad.isDownPressed( ) ) {
                   rotateBackTilt( currentBackTiltAngle - servoStepAngle );
            else if ( GamePad.isLeftPressed( ) ) {
                  // tone(5, 333, 250);
                  rotateBackPan( currentBackPanAngle - servoStepAngle );          
            else if ( GamePad.isRightPressed( ) ) {
                  // tone(5, 444, 250);
                  rotateBackPan( currentBackPanAngle + servoStepAngle );


  /* If tilt forward move forward */
if ((x < -4) && (x > -8)) 
    analogWrite(motorASpeedPin, 122);
   analogWrite(motorBSpeedPin, 122);
    digitalWrite(motorAPin1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorAPin2, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motorBPin1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorBPin2, HIGH);


  else if (x < -8)
    analogWrite(motorASpeedPin, 255);
   analogWrite(motorBSpeedPin, 255);
    digitalWrite(motorAPin1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorAPin2, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motorBPin1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorBPin2, HIGH);


  /* If tilted backward, move the car backwards. */

else if ((x > 4) && (x < 8))
   analogWrite(motorASpeedPin, 122);
   analogWrite(motorBSpeedPin, 122);
    digitalWrite(motorAPin1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motorAPin2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorBPin1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motorBPin2, LOW);

  else if (x > 8)
   analogWrite(motorASpeedPin, 255);
   analogWrite(motorBSpeedPin, 255);
    digitalWrite(motorAPin1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motorAPin2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorBPin1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motorBPin2, LOW);

  /* If tilted right, turn the car to the right. */
  else if ((y < -4) && (y > -8))
    analogWrite(motorASpeedPin, 122);
    analogWrite(motorBSpeedPin, 122);
    digitalWrite(motorAPin1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorAPin2, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motorBPin1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motorBPin2, LOW);


   else if (y < -8)
    analogWrite(motorASpeedPin, 255);
    analogWrite(motorBSpeedPin, 255);
    digitalWrite(motorAPin1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorAPin2, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motorBPin1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motorBPin2, LOW);

  /* If tilted left, turn the car to the left. */
  else if ((y > 4) && (y < 8))
    analogWrite(motorASpeedPin, 122);
    analogWrite(motorBSpeedPin, 122);
    digitalWrite(motorAPin1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motorAPin2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorBPin1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorBPin2, HIGH);

  else if (y > 8)
    analogWrite(motorASpeedPin, 255);
    analogWrite(motorBSpeedPin, 255);
    digitalWrite(motorAPin1, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(motorAPin2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorBPin1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorBPin2, HIGH);

  /* If nothing is 
  /* If nothing is pressed stop all motors. */
    //analogWrite(motorASpeedPin, 0);
    //analogWrite(motorBSpeedPin, 0);
    digitalWrite(motorAPin1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorAPin2, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorBPin1, LOW);
    digitalWrite(motorBPin2, LOW);
  void shaveAndAHaircut ( void ) {

    // Incoming parameters :   Nothing.
    // Global variables    :   Uses    -   
    //                         Changes -  
    // Responsibilities    :   Plays the tune. 
    // Returns             :   Nothing.

    // Individual notes
    int melody_ShaveHaircut[] = {
      NOTE_C4, NOTE_G3, NOTE_G3, NOTE_A3, NOTE_G3, 0, NOTE_B3, NOTE_C4
    // Note durations: 4 = quarter note, 8 = eighth note, etc.
    int noteDurations_ShaveHaircut[] = {
      4, 8, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4
    int noteDuration;
    for (int thisNote = 0; thisNote < 8; thisNote++) {
      // To calculate the note duration, take one second divided by the note type.
      // e.g. quarter note = 1000 / 4, eighth note = 1000/8, etc.
      noteDuration = 1000 / noteDurations_ShaveHaircut[thisNote];
     // tone(SPEAKER_PIN, melody_ShaveHaircut[thisNote], noteDuration);
      // To distinguish the notes, set a minimum time between them.
      // The note's duration + 30% seems to work well      
      delay(noteDuration * 1.30);
      // Stop the tone playing
     // noTone(SPEAKER_PIN);


void retractArm ( const int& shoulderStop ) {

    // Incoming parameters :   constant reference to an int denoting ending angle of Shoulder servo.
    // Global variables    :   Uses    -  servoStepAngle, servoStepDelay 
    //                         Changes -  currentShoulderAngle, currentElbowAngle, currentWristAngle
    // Responsibilities    :   Retracts the arm in a predetermined manner.  
    //                         A function of convenience, takes the place of the user having to perform
    //                         a number of actions.   Modify to suit your needs. 
    // Returns             :   Nothing.
    int braking = 0;
    for ( int i =  currentShoulderAngle; i <=  shoulderStop; i += servoStepAngle ) { 
        Shoulder.write(currentShoulderAngle = i);
        if ( (i+86) <= 180 ) Elbow.write(currentElbowAngle = i+86);
        // Keep the wrist as horizontal as possible
        if      ( i <= 90  ) Wrist.write(currentWristAngle = 140);
        else if ( i >= 150 ) Wrist.write(currentWristAngle =  75);             
        else                 Wrist.write(currentWristAngle = ( 140 - ( i - 90 )) ); 
        // As you rise towards 90 degrees, weight is working for you, keeping things slow.
        // Past 90 degrees, weight works against you as it increases the speed of the arm,
        // resulting in an momentum that builds the farther you go.
        // The following formula calculates an extra time in servo delay, resulting in a
        // braking action.
        braking = ( i > 90 ) ?  ( ( i - 90 ) / 10 ) * 15  : 0;


void extendArm ( const int& shoulderStop , const bool& withItem ) {

    // Incoming parameters :   constant reference to an int denoting ending angle of Shoulder servo.
    //                         constant reference to a bool denoting if the arm is holding an item ( 0 - no , 1 - yes ).
    // Global variables    :   Uses    -  servoStepAngle, servoStepDelay 
    //                         Changes -  currentShoulderAngle, currentElbowAngle, currentWristAngle
    // Responsibilities    :   Extend the arm in a predetermined manner.  
    //                         A function of convenience, takes the place of the user having to perform
    //                         a number of actions.   Modify to suit your needs.
    // Returns             :   Nothing.

    for ( int i =  currentShoulderAngle; i >=  shoulderStop; i -= servoStepAngle ) { 
        if ( (i+86) <= 180 ) Elbow.write(currentElbowAngle = i+86);  
        Shoulder.write(currentShoulderAngle = i);     
        if ( withItem ) {
            // Keep the wrist as horizontal as possible
            if      ( i <= 90  ) Wrist.write(currentWristAngle = 140);
            else if ( i >= 150 ) Wrist.write(currentWristAngle =  75);             
            else                 Wrist.write(currentWristAngle = ( 140 - ( i - 90 )) );
        else {
            // Move the wrist to angle up onto an item that is to be grasped
                                 Wrist.write(currentWristAngle = 160-i);


void grabVerticalItem ( void ) {
    // Incoming parameters :   Nothing.
    // Global variables    :   Uses    -   
    //                         Changes -  
    // Responsibilities    :   Grabs a vertical item (something "standing up" rather than "laying down") with the Gripper  
    //                         A function of convenience, takes the place of the user having to perform
    //                         a number of actions.   Modify to suit your needs.
    // Returns             :   Nothing.
    delay( 100);   rotateWristRotate  ( 70);  // Rotate to grab a vertical item ( ie | )
    delay( 100);   rotateGripper      ( 00);  // Open 
    delay(2000);   rotateGripper      (180);  // Close
    //delay(2000);   rotateWristRotate  (160);  // Rotate item to horizontal ( ie --- )
    //delay( 100);   rotateWrist        (180);  // Raise

void dropItem ( void ) {

    // Incoming parameters :   Nothing.
    // Global variables    :   Uses    -  
    //                         Changes -  
    // Responsibilities    :   Releases an item from the Gripper.  
    //                         A function of convenience, takes the place of the user having to perform
    //                         a number of actions.   Modify to suit your needs.  
    // Returns             :   Nothing.
    delay( 500);   rotateWrist    ( 40);   // Lower  
    delay( 500);   rotateGripper  ( 00);   // Open 
    delay( 500);   rotateShoulder ( 44);   // Raise arm a little
    delay( 500);   rotateGripper  (180);   // Close
    delay( 500);   rotateWrist    (180);   // Raise 
    delay( 500);

void autonomousDemo ( void ) {

    // Incoming parameters :   Nothing.
    // Global variables    :   Uses    -   
    //                         Changes -  currentBaseAngle
    // Responsibilities    :   Run the arm through a series of actions for demonstration purposes.
    // Returns             :   Nothing.
    // Announce start of demo
    shaveAndAHaircut  (   );

    // Grab an item from the front
    rotateBase        ( 90);    // Move arm to front
    rotateWristRotate ( 70);    // Rotate to grab a vertical item ( ie | )
    rotateGripper     ( 00);    // Open before moving arm into position                
    extendArm         ( 14);    // Modify to suit your height requirement   
    rotateWrist       (130);    // Tweak wrist angle if required  
    rotateGripper     (180);    // Close on item     
    retractArm        (110);    // Move back to this Shoulder angle
    // Place it to the right
    rotateBase        (180);    // Move arm full right
    rotateWristRotate ( 70);    // Rotate to place vertical item ( ie | )           
    extendArm         (14,1);   // Modify to suit your height requirement
    //rotateWrist       (???);    // Tweak wrist angle if required    
    rotateGripper     ( 00);    // Open to release item     
    retractArm        (   );    // Park arm

    #ifdef SecondArm_Installed   
    grabItemFromBackArm (   );  // Interact with back arm (optional)    
    retractArm          (   );  // Return to standard starting position
    // Grab an item from the right
    rotateBase        (180);    // Move arm full right
    rotateWristRotate ( 70);    // Rotate to grab a vertical item ( ie | )
    rotateGripper     ( 00);    // Open before moving arm into position                
    extendArm         ( 14);    // Modify to suit your height requirement 
    //rotateWrist       (???);    // Tweak wrist angle if required
    rotateGripper     (180);    // Close on item      
    retractArm        (110);    // Move back to this Shoulder angle

    // Place it in front
    rotateBase        ( 90);    // Move arm to front
    rotateWristRotate ( 70);    // Rotate to place vertical item ( ie | )           
    extendArm         (14,1);   // Modify to suit your height requirement
    rotateWrist       (130);    // Tweak wrist angle if required    
    rotateGripper     ( 00);    // Open to release item      
    retractArm        (   );    // Park arm

#ifdef SecondArm_Installed
void grabItemFromBackArm ( void ) {

    // Incoming parameters :   Nothing.
    // Global variables    :   Uses    -  Wrist, WristRotate, Gripper, 
    //                                    BackElbow, BackGripper 
    //                         Changes -  currentWristAngle, currentWristRotateAngle, currentGripperAngle, 
    //                                    currentBackElbowAngle, currentBackGripperAngle
    // Responsibilities    :   The primary arm will reach back, grab an item from the secondary arm,
    //                         raise it in the air, and then return it to the secondary arm.
    //                         Admittedly not very useful, just a demo of arm capabilities. 
    //                         A function of convenience, takes the place of the user having to perform
    //                         a number of actions.   Modify to suit your needs.
    //                         Why all the attach's and detach's?   With all the servos operating, I was
    //                         getting feedback through some of the circuits, causing servo flutter and 
    //                         undesirable effects.  Shutting down unnecessary servos solved the problem.  
    //                         You may or may not have the same issues.
    // Returns             :   Nothing.

    // Announce beginning of sequence.
    for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { tone(5, 444, 250); delay(500); tone(5, 888, 250); delay(500); }
    // Grab something if BotBoarduino BotBoarduino onboard push button C is pressed 
    if ( digitalRead ( ONBOARD_PB_C ) == LOW ) {

                       BackGripper.attach  (BACKGRIPPER_PIN);
       delay( 500);    rotateBackGripper   (180);                                      // Open to accept item
                       while ( digitalRead ( ONBOARD_PB_C ) == LOW ) delay(500);       // Wait until button released
                       rotateBackGripper   ( 00);                                      // Close to grab item

    // Raise back arm.
    BackElbow.attach    (BACKELBOW_PIN);
    rotateBackGripper   ( 00);      // Make sure gripper is closed    
    rotateBackElbow     ( 16); 
    BackElbow.detach    (   );        
    // Orient wrist and gripper for the task.           
    rotateWrist         (120);    
    rotateWristRotate   ( 70);
    rotateGripper       ( 00);  // Open in preparation  
    // Move front arm backwards to contact item.
    rotateBase          ( 90);
    rotateShoulder      ( 90); 
    rotateElbow         ( 00);    
    // Exchange item from back to front.
    // My gripper servos are configured differently...
    // Gripper closes at 180, but BackGripper opens at 180.
    // Adjust your angles to suit your setup.
    delay( 500);   BackGripper.attach  (BACKGRIPPER_PIN);    
    delay( 500);   rotateGripper       (180);       // Close on item
    delay( 500);   rotateBackGripper   (180);       // Open to release item
    delay( 500);   BackGripper.detach  (   );

    // Raise in the air, then return item.    
    delay( 500);    rotateElbow        ( 90); 
    delay( 500);    rotateShoulder     ( 88);
    delay(2000);    rotateElbow        ( 00);

    // Exchange item from front to back.
    // My gripper servos are configured differently...
    // Gripper opens at 00, but BackGripper closes at 00.
    // Adjust your angles to suit your setup.
                    BackGripper.attach  (BACKGRIPPER_PIN);    
    delay( 500);    rotateBackGripper   ( 00);      // Close to grip item   
    delay( 500);    rotateGripper       ( 00);      // Open to release item

    // At this point, there a lot of power being drawn because so many servos are operating.
    // Shut down unnecessary servos to lessen the load on your circuits. 
    // Leave the Shoulder attached because it's holding up the arm.
    delay( 500);    Wrist.detach        ( );     
                    WristRotate.detach  ( );
                    Gripper.detach      ( );
    // Lower back arm
    BackElbow.attach    (BACKELBOW_PIN);
    rotateBackElbow     ( 88);      // Lower back arm
    BackElbow.detach    (   );

    // Raise front arm.   
    delay( 500);    rotateElbow        (180);    
    delay( 500);    rotateShoulder     (150);

    // Reattach to front arm servos.
    Wrist.attach        (WRIST_PIN);
    WristRotate.attach  (WRISTROTATE_PIN);
    Gripper.attach      (GRIPPER_PIN);

You have set pin 5 as pwm pin for both motors...

I'm running low on pwm pins, it works with both set to 5 as I use a Y cable. I'll clear up that part of the code later. I've tried using separate pwm pins as well but the motors will not run when the full code us uploaded. The motor code runs fine on it's own. I'm sure it's something daft like a missing { somewhere.

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