Both arduino UNOs having different issues with COM3 port

Hello! This is my first time using the forum so I apologise if this is the wrong place for this question.

I was running a project using an Elegoo UNO R3 which would take readings from an ultrasonic sensor and print the result on serial, at which point a Processing script would play a sound from my laptop if it read a positive result from the serial. This worked perfectly fine for a day but stopped this morning. I tried to reupload the code using the IDE but then got this error message: 'avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x8a
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 2 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x8a'. The port being used is COM3, same as when it was previously working. I looked the error message up and had various suggested fixes, none of which made any difference. The final suggestion mentioned that the board may simply be bricked, and as I really need this project working today and tomorrow I went out and bought a new board.

My new board is an Arduino UNO SMD Rev3. When I plug this board into my laptop, nothing shows up in the Device Manager, regardless of in Ports or Other Devices. In the IDE, the serial monitor says 'not connected', and Tools->Port is greyed out and can't be clicked. I have used two laptops and two different USB cables, with no difference.

Now I'm left with two boards, both not working for different reasons, with a project that needs running today and tomorrow. Any advice would be hugely appreciated. Thank you :slight_smile:

They have same USB modules in board?

Bet you a donut you still have the Arduino attached to the Processing app through Serial. It's a bit of a nuisance, but you can't upload to Arduino while Processing is running the app (or sometimes the Processing IDE at all). Save your progress in Processing, close the Processing IDE, try again. I've even had to restart my PC from time to time, IIRC.

Also be aware that sometimes (for me anyway), you'll seem to "lose" your Arduino sketches after closing the Arduino IDE while you are also working with Processing, even though you saved the Arduino sketch. Seems sometimes that the IDEs get confused and your Arduino sketch may have ended up saved in the Processing sketchbook.

Unfortunately I had already tried that - Processing hasn't been running since the Elegoo board initially stopped working - thanks for the donut though ;). I've also restarted both of the computers a few times.

I've checked that the Arduino sketch is still saved where I initially had it, and tried uploading a couple of my old or example projects that have no communication with Processing to check it wasn't an issue with the Processing sketchbook - still to no avail, sadly.

Thank you v much for taking the time to reply though, I do appreciate it :slight_smile:

@hallowed31 Yes, from what I can tell. I've also tried plugging them into different USB ports on my laptop too.

There's nothing plugged into (or you're not using) Arduino pins 0 or 1? No shields on top, nothing like that?

Can you provide schematic of your circuit? Seems really weird that two would fail.

In the Arduino IDE, under Tools > Programmer, what is selected? I run IDE v1.8.10 and I use USBtinyISP.

Did you disconnect all external circuitry? The Arduino itself isn't sitting on anything conductive?

Perhaps take a look at this thread;

@hallowed31 Nope, nothing in pins 0/1, when I did have the circuit together there was only the ultrasonic sensor directly plugged into pins 11 and 12, and 5v/ground. I've had everything fully unplugged the last few hours except for during an unsuccessful loopback test, and it doesn't seem to make a difference. The Elegoo was sat on a block of wood when rigged, the new Arduino has a plastic base.

I'm using IDE 2.3.2 and have USBtinyISP selected too.

Thanks for the thread- the Elegoo has a constant LED that for some reason isn't affected at all by the reset button, the new Arduino restarts the 'blink' code when I press the reset button. I looked into reburning the bootloader but from what I could gather I needed a second board to do it - which is partly why I thought buying a new one would be good (to have a functional one for this project and reburn the Elegoo for future projects) but obviously that hasn't worked out and as a result I can't burn the bootloader on either of them :confused:

Can you carefully swap the ATmega328P chips of the two boards? I don't know what else to suggest. Maybe uninstall the Arduino IDE altogether and roll back to 1.8.x ?
Don't forget to save your sketchbook/downloaded libraries first.