Hi guys, I accidentally bought an ADXL330 accelerometer without the breakout board. So, its really really small and I don't know what to do with it. I didn't know that I would had need to look for a brekout boarded version! I'm so noob!
Well, I read that somehow I can make a breakout board but I don't know how to do nor if I really would be able to do so.
Question is, is that possible? Or it's better to ask for a replacement?
I think you can check the datasheet of ADXL330, this document tells you how to connect and use this chip.
I've bought a 3-Axis ±2g/±6g accelerometer chip LIS3LV02DQ and built a breakout board by myself. It's also a small QFPN-28 packaged chip, and after I read the datasheet, and tested on a breadboard, I made a breakout board successfully. So I think you can make your board also.
This chip only cost me about 2USD, and a breakout boarded version will cost more than 15USD.
Good luck!
My LIS3LV02DQ chip and breakout board:
I only have SSOP28->DIP28 PCB, not QFPN->DIP, so I must use wire to connect PINs...
I already had a look at the ADXL330 datasheet and I don't see anything too complex for me too connect it.
My problem is that I don't really know how to solder on such a tiny little sensor. I'm afraid of burning everything. Could you give me some hints or point me to some documentation on the topic?
Also, where can I get the breakout raw board?
What kind of wires are those little one?
@Fabio Varesano, I've also checked the datasheet of ADXL330:
you can refer to the figure 1 on page one. it figured out the usage diagram of this chip.
You also can find the pin description on page 5 -- Table 4.
For resistor and capacitor selection, you can find it on page 12.
the raw breakout board which I used is called protoboard, you may find it in any electronic shop. the wire I used is enamel covered wire, you also can get it from electronic shop, or you can cut it from the coil in the AC-DC adapter:)
@wortelsoft Thanks for your input. Anyway I'm not sure which one of them would be ok for ADXL330.. Do you know?
@China Red Thanks for having a look at the chip specs.. I think I should be able to connect it correctly. And I think I should be able to find the protoboard and the tiny wires.
What I don't know is how to solder the wires to the ADXL330 .. I'm worried that I could damage it. Advices?
Congrats! My sympathy goes out to you. That is a crappy situation to get into. Could you post a picture of your solution? I'd like to see how you made out.