Brainstorm fancy CR box

I’ve made some Corsi Rosenthal boxes and I think there is room for innovation. We know human vocalization increases viral particle emissions. Exercise does too, and that can be detected by increasing CO2 in a space. I’ve not seen anyone try to control the fan speed on a CR box with a microphone that detects increasing volume of human speech. There will be interference issues, but the consequences of it responding to interference will be a period of increased fan speed, which isn’t a big deal. I started reading only yesterday about how to do this. So far I’ve come up with using FFT in the arduino sketch to detect and track the volume of sound at 1025 Hz (the frequency that changes the most with volume). My idea is to hang a flat CR box with arctic p14 fans pointing up above a restaurant table. When a person sits down the fan turns on, maybe a pressure sensor in the seat. When 2 people sit down and start chatting the speed goes up. Five people sit down and start yelling it blasts. I’m anything but a sound engineer, and my coding is amateur, but I think this is doable. Any one have any experience with something similar? Comments? Thanks for reading.

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