Breadboard atmega328 Upload sketch - not in sync - CP2102 usb to serial

I bough some atmega328P-PU to make a standalone arduino.

Uploaded the arduino ISP schetch to my uno, connect as explained in the tuturial page. Leds blinked for 30s or so and said burn complete.
Then i added a USB Serial CP2102 ( and connected tx to rx, rx to tx, DTR to reset, 5v to 5v and gnd to gnd.

When i try to upload i get
avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00

Whats going on?


All afternoon in this, create a topic, try the button manual reset method again and works :grin:
But still would like to know how to make the autoreset...

Are you using a series 0.1ufd cap between the CP2102 DTR signal and your standalone 328 reset pin?

I tried that also, placed a ceramic capacitor number "104" believe its the right one?


It's correct. Do you also have a 10k ohm pull-up resistor on the reset pin?

I also had the 10k resistor there, i then also tried without it... but probably if i try it later today it will work as did the manual reset button :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

You have indeed quoted the correct USB to TTL converter as against the botched ones. (You did buy exactly that one, right?)

Just check - the 104 ceramic from DTR to the reset pin on the atmega328 is the only capacitor connected to it.

As you have not cited which "tutorial" you are using, I don't know whether it spuriously told you to add some extra "bodgie" capacitor to ground which entirely defeats the auto-reset function.

Yes i bought the exact one i linked.
It didn't work with the ceramic capacitor but i will try again when i can, was to try it yesterday but didn't have time.

Got it to work. Thanks.
Connected the ceramic capacitor 104 between DTR and the reset pin.
Also a 10k resistor between reset pin and 5v.