Break Beam corn planter sensors

Hello all, I have absolutely no idea about any of this stuff so give me a little lee-way ha ha. I stumbled upon it today by accident and it really got me thinking. So corn planters have sensors that "blip" a light as the seed goes by in the seed tube. I was curious what you guys thought about using IR break beam sensors and an Arduino to transmit from the planter back to a display in the tractor whatever that may be. What are the thoughts of the experts on here?


Might work. Depends on lots of stuff.

  • IR strength & sensitivity
  • IR transmission of tube
  • IR opacity of the seed
  • Response time
  • dust

But if these issues can be addressed, sure.

then a break beam could count the individual kernels.

It's been done before. Try a site search for 'seed/counter/sensor/planter'.

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