Breakout board, 5v, expansion

hi guys, im working on a mahoosive uss enterprise E model and i have my code all written, had it for years now but finally getting around to building this beasty.

its being lit up with led strips but due to the size im looking at needing a breakout board that can supply 5v power, and take the signal from an arduino mini pro and turn on/off led strips.

tricky bit here though is some of the strips need to be able to fade. im not entirely sure how to proceed here or what kind of breakout board im looking for.

some advice on that front would be highly appreciated.

im also sure this post is lacking information, struggling to explain it as brains gone fuzzy. anyway, i'll gladly answer any questions to find the right boards needed.

ok so heres the questions more refined.

what breakout board can i use to increase the amount of leds used (from a power source not the arduino) that will still keep the PMW fade?

best breakout boards for increasing led quantities to take from power source but the trigger signal from arduino?

Please post a data sheet for the LED strips you plan to use or a link to specifications

unfortunately i dont have that information. they are imported from china and didnt come with the data sheets. they are 5v led strips though.

So there are just two connections, 5V and ground?
Do you have any idea of how much current the strips need?

0.10A @ 5v per strip and i will be using approximately 10 strips, plus various led pairs and individual leds, total amperage of the project should not exceed 2A but looking at a 5v 3A power supply to allow for overheads.

And there are only 2 connections, 5V and ground?


What you need is this:

Then you use the arduino to PWM fade the strips

so i can link that directly to the power supply and tie in the signal pin from arduino to it as well and that will be one per led strip that needs fading?

and what breakout board do you recommend for the static led strips that just needs to take the voltage directly? the same board will do it?

If your strips really only need 0.1A per strip, then you can connect all ten to one MOSFET board provided you want to fade all 10 at the same time . If you want to fade different strips at different times then you will need a separate MOSFET board for each.

The static strips can connect directly to your 5V supply, no breakout needed.

sorry i misinformed when i said static, even the statically on leds require a breakout due to them being turned on via the arduino at timed interval

Then the same MOSFET board.

thank you

So are parts of the model transparent so you can light it up.

some parts are transparent, other areas that need lighting are hollowed out holes which will be filled with resin (such as windows

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