Bricked 101

I have been using ARDUINO IDE to develop applications on the ARC processor. I I look at OSC0_CFG1 at location B0800008 I get a value of 0x00070009. This states it is running the Crystal Osc with 5.5pf caps.

Since I needed to also develop programs for the x86 processor I started to use the INTEL system studio for microcontrollers. In order to use this IDE I needed to update the boot ROM on the 101. I ported over several programs and noticed the CPU clock rate was not 32MHz but was 22.5MHz.

I I look at OSC0_CFG1 at location B0800008 I get a value of 0x00040002. This stated the crystal trim has been switched from 5.5pf to 15.03pf and the Crystal osc is not enabled and we are now running from the Silicon osc.

While trying to switch from the Silicon Oscillator to the Crystal Oscillator I bricked my board.

I tried to changed location 0xB0800008 from 0x00040002 to 0x00000009. After that I could no longer flash or run programs. I tried to use article

To reload the boot flash but received the error stating the processor could no be stopped. I was able to use this article to restore the BOOT FLASH on a different board that was not Bricked.

Does anyone know of a way to recover? I have a Flyswatter2 JTAG adapter.