Broken FT232R

I broke the FT232 chip off of my arduino duemilanove. Replacing with a new one isnt an option, so is there any other way to program the arduino, maybe using some of the pins? Thanks for any suggestions.

I would buy an arduino deumilanove from sparkfun or like. They're cheaper now that the new arduino uno is just released. If you purchase an FTDI board you can hook it to the RX and TX on your board but that's like $15 and a new arduino is $25.

I broke the FT232 chip off of my arduino duemilanove.

Wait... how did you do that?

Besides the RX TX pins, you'll need to hook up the reset pin (so pin 1,2,3) as well. You can use either a FTDI breakout board or a CP2102 breakout board.

Thanks for both of your suggestions. I put it in a drawer while I was moving, and when I took it out the pins had been mangled. Something must have hit it at the right angle. I'll probably just get a new arduino and use it to program both.