first of all:
i am from belgium, so my english is not very good.
now the problem:
i have a multiwii pro board (multicopter control board) it uses a atmega2560 and arduino bootloader.
And can be programmed with arduino IDE, but communicates with flightplanner software on the pc to make pre flight settings etc.
But the usb connector was ripped off togheter with the copper traces. I tried to solder wires to the ftdi chip but that didn't work out (i fried it since i don't have the right equipment for such fine soldering)
now my question is: how can i still use the board?
i did alot of searching and found that i can still program it with the isp header and anhother arduio board (i have a (real) arduino mega 2560)
but how can i connect the flightcontroller board to the pc so it can communicatre with the software?
You should be able to use a FTDI breakout board like this or an eBay equivalent and connect directly to rx/tx pins of the Arduino. If you still have the bootloader on the Arduino then the FTDI can also program it.
If the board you have is the Hobbyking one then it has provision for adding pins to connect the FTDI board directly. Learn how to solder and get a suitable soldering iron first though.
i just looked up the datasheet from the 2560 and was able to follow the traces from the rx ant the tx pin and like you sed they led to the place for the ftdi.
i can solder (pretty good actually) and is have a good soldering iron but soldering smd is out of my reach.
i just soldered a header to the ftdi holes on the board.
is ther a way i can use my arduino mega as ftdi ? i have read that with other arduino's you can pull the chip out and use the onboard ftdi chip but 2560 is soldered.
i can solder (pretty good actually) and is have a good soldering iron but soldering smd is out of my reach.
i just soldered a header to the ftdi holes on the board.
No offence meant by my post, I assumed you could not solder and probably tried fixing it with a red hot poker or a blow torch XD
is ther a way i can use my arduino mega as ftdi ? i have read that with other arduino's you can pull the chip out and use the onboard ftdi chip but 2560 is soldered.
Not that I know of. Maybe someone else will have an idea.