Broken USB - is it useable

The USB has broken off my Arduino Nano - I do not think It can be re-soldered back - is there any way to upload a sketch without it - or is it finished.

You can use the ISCP interface to upload sketches either by using an external dedicated programmer or another Arduino

Do you have another Arduino and, if so, which board is it ?

I have another Nano and a Uno.

Then you can use one of them as a programmer for the broken one

Take a look at

Thanks would I need to load the bootloader or can I just upload the sketch.

If you use an Arduino as a programmer, or a hardware programmer for that matter, then the target system does not need a bootloader. In fact, if there is one on the chip it will be overwritten anyway.

The need to write the bootloader arises primarily if, after uploading using a programmer, you later want to upload a sketch using the serial interface, in which case a bootloader is required

So, no, you don't need to upload the bootloader

thank you.

Is there such a board as a ttl serial converter that will do the same as what is suggested here.


but if you have a Nano and an Uno you don't need a programmer

Thanks for answering - I now have 2 nano with the same problem - seems to be a weak spot.
I will give it a try again then with the above instructions.

I have never had a problem with the USB port on a Nano (I have seral) and I don't exactly treat them kindly. You must be treating them roughly

Pololu USB AVR Programmer v2.1 provides both programming over ICSP as well as a TTL-to-USB converter that gives you back your serial interface (including upload functionality via serial).

If you're only in need for a serial interface, do a search for FTDI adapter; if you need upload functionality via serial, make sure that the board has the DTR pin.

You will have to hack your Nano to wire DTR to the reset pin.

thank you tried it and it worked good uno to nano.
i might add that these Nano's are not authentic.

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