Hi Everyone, i have a problem with brushless motor programming. I am not using ESC, but use L6234D as a motor driver. So far, i have successfully make my brushless motor rotating well.
Here is my arduino sketch for rotating Brushless Motor foy my Gimbal:
// constants won't change. They're used here to
// set pin numbers:
const int motorPin1 =3;
const int motorPin2 =6;
const int motorPin3 =5;
// Variables will change:
boolean direct = true; // direction true=forward, false=backward
int pwmSin[] = {127,110,94,78,64,50,37,26,17,10,4,1,0,1,4,10,17,26,37,50,64,78,94,110,127,144,160,176,191,204,217,228,237,244,250,253,254,253,250,244,237,228,217,204,191,176,160,144,127
}; // array of PWM duty values for 8-bit timer - sine function
//int pwmSin[]={511,444,379,315,256,200,150,106,68,39,17,4,0,4,17,39,68,106,150,200,256,315,379,444,511,578,643,707,767,822,872,916,954,983,1005,1018,1022,1018,1005,983,954,916,872,822,767,707,643,578,511
//}; // array of PWM duty values for 10-bit timer - sine function
int increment;
int currentStepA=0;
int currentStepB=16;
int currentStepC=32;
// the following variables are long's because the time, measured in miliseconds,
// will quickly become a bigger number than can be stored in an int.
//long motorDelayActual = 0; // the actual delay, based on pot value and motor delay set above
long lastMotorDelayTime = 0;
void initBLDC() {
pinMode(motorPin1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motorPin2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motorPin3, OUTPUT);
//TCCR1B = TCCR1B & 0b11111000 | 0x01; // set PWM frequency @ 31250 Hz for Pins 9 and 10
TCCR2B = TCCR2B & 0b11111000 | 0x01; // set PWM frequency @ 31250 Hz for Pins 11 and 3 (3 not used)
ICR1 = 255 ; // 8 bit resolution
//ICR1 = 1023 ; // 10 bit resolution
void setup() {
void loop() {
void BLDCmove() {
if((millis() - lastMotorDelayTime) > 0)
{ // delay time passed, move one step
if (direct==true)
increment = 1;
currentStepA = currentStepA + increment;
if(currentStepA > 47) currentStepA = 0;
if(currentStepA<0) currentStepA =47;
currentStepB = currentStepB + increment;
if(currentStepB > 47) currentStepB = 0;
if(currentStepB<0) currentStepB =47;
currentStepC = currentStepC + increment;
if(currentStepC > 47) currentStepC = 0;
if(currentStepC<0) currentStepC =47;
if (direct==false)
increment = -1;
currentStepA = currentStepA + increment;
if(currentStepA > 47) currentStepA = 0;
if(currentStepA<0) currentStepA =47;
currentStepB = currentStepB + increment;
if(currentStepB > 47) currentStepB = 0;
if(currentStepB<0) currentStepB =47;
currentStepC = currentStepC + increment;
if(currentStepC > 47) currentStepC = 0;
if(currentStepC<0) currentStepC =47;
lastMotorDelayTime = millis();
analogWrite(motorPin1, pwmSin[currentStepA]);
analogWrite(motorPin2, pwmSin[currentStepB]);
analogWrite(motorPin3, pwmSin[currentStepC]);
Then, i combine the code above with my IMU sketch, The code is here:
The result is my brushless motor rotating much slower. Is IMU processing affected my brushless motor speed?
Thank You..