Leave the design job to professionals. This is neither an Arduino problem, nor a hobby project.
If you want advice from the professionals who frequent the forum, post the actual design specifications for the project. The phrase "24V to 48V buck-boost" is meaningless.
Building SMPS is a bit of a black art.
Can you please post your circuit that you have developed.
A topology and then saying you use a different voltage and current contol, basically makes the circuit you have posted not worth a lot to this thread.
A hand drawn schematic is fine, please include ALL powersupplies, component names and pin labels.
Can you please tell us your electronics, programming, arduino, hardware experience?
I am using a 24V battery and plan to keep the bus voltage at 48V. For this purpose, voltage and current control are used. Using voltage distribution, 48V is reduced to 2.5V scale and put into atmega2560, and current is inserted through current sensor.
When experiments are conducted while slowly increasing the voltage on the battery side, y1 continues to increase, the LOW SIDE MOSFET continues to be closed, and the HIGH SIDE MOSFET continues to be open. When the experiment was conducted with a PWM open loop, boost and buck modes worked well.
I don't know which part of the code is wrong.
Please post a schematic thatt includes the 2560, NOT signal generators all over the place.
Draw a schematic including ALL your hardware and power supplies, using standard circuit symbols.
You have a 50KHz signal in your "schematic" what is it and why have you not drawn exactly what it is?
Have you actually built your project, doing it in stages to develop and over come bugs in hardware and software?
Thanks.. Tom..
PS: I looks like you are using a simulator rather than experiment in the real world.