'Buckled Port' plugs?

Before I buy a sensor shield, what plugs do the so-called 'buckled ports' use?


Aren't they just 0.1" pitch headers?

Seeed sells as assortment of 'buckled' cables. Be careful in selecting, they come in 3 pin and 4 pin versions and with different kinds of end combinations.



Thanks for the replies.

I'm not sure if they're available in the U.K., so I may have to buy from the U.S..

I wonder what the 'proper' name for them is - the name the industry refers to them as? It would help in a search.


I was wondering what the heck a "buckled" connector was too. It's a literal translation of the Chinese term for what is called a "Latching Connector" in the West.. Here's a cable with that "Buckled" connector on the left end.

On the Sensor Shields (See http://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/SensorShield) the Analog Inputs use 3-pin inline female plugs. The Latched variety latch in securely. The Digital I/O pins have a 3-pin pattern of GVS (Ground-Voltage-Signal) that is close spaced. If you try to insert Latched type plugs in adjacent locations the latches physically interfere. I used to take a cable with Latched connectors on both ends and cut the latch off one end with wire cutters. Then we had the factory make cables with only one end latched (http://arduino-direct.com/sunshop/index.php?l=product_detail&p=149).. like in the photo above.

There are a number of cabling things that make Arduino a lot easier to connect to the variety of sensors and boards out there. See: http://arduino-info.wikispaces.com/Cables for some of them...

Any suggestions on cabling issues that could be solved with the right cable would be appreciated!

Meanwhile, the Swiss Army Cable below can have sections ripped off to make different flat cables with arbitrary connections...