Hi All,
Nice little community you have here.
I'm having problems with reliability in a program that I have written. It will run fine for a while - anywhere from a couple hours to 19 hours almost to the tee. After that, sometimes it just freezes and sometimes it turns on pump1 indefinitely. Not sure what the problem is but I need a solution!
I'm fairly new to C and I'm hoping the problem is straight forward. Can you guys take a look at my code? Thanks!
//Initialize Global Variablles
//include libraries
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Time.h>
#include <TimeAlarms.h>
//define varibles
int i; //working variable
int co2_lower_limit = 1200; //parts per million
float dwell_start_up = 2; //seconds
float dwell_idle = 3; //seconds, time between samples
float dwell_co2_on = 1.25; //seonds
float dwell_co2_disperson = 30; //seconds
float dwell_pump1_on = 65;
float dwell_pump_trasition_delay = 10;
float dwell_pump2_on = 65;
int tempValue;
int pHValue;
//define outputs
int pump1 = 3;
int pump2 = 4;
int ACunit = 5;
int light = 6;
int co2_valve = 7;
int co2sensorpower = 8; // This is the default address of the CO2 sensor, 7bits shifted left.
// Address for co2 Meter
int co2Addr = 0x68;
//Run Setup
void setup() {
//setup pins- water, light, and temperature pins as outputs
pinMode(pump1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pump2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(light, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ACunit, OUTPUT);
pinMode(co2_valve, OUTPUT);
//initial values of pins
digitalWrite (pump1, LOW);
digitalWrite (pump2, LOW);
digitalWrite(light, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ACunit, HIGH);
digitalWrite(co2_valve, LOW);
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
//set time
setTime(14,58,0,16,4,10); // set time to 8:29:40am Jan 1 2010
//would like to auto sync eventually
//setup light cycle times
Alarm.alarmRepeat(8,47,0, Daytime); // 6:30am daytime starts every day
//Alarm.alarmRepeat(2,00,0, Nighttime); // 12:30am nighttime starts every day
//setup water cycle times
Alarm.alarmRepeat(0,00,0, Water); // 8:00am water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(1,00,0, Water); // 8:00am water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(2,00,0, Water); // 8:00am water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(3,00,0, Water); // 8:00am water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(4,00,0, Water); // 8:00am water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(5,00,0, Water); // 8:00am water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(6,00,0, Water); // 8:00am water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(7,00,0, Water); // 8:00am water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(8,00,0, Water); // 8:00am water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(9,0,0, Water); // 10:00pm water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(10,0,0, Water); // 12:00pm water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(11,0,0, Water); // 2:00pm water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(12,0,0, Water); // 4:00pm water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(13,0,0, Water); // 6:00pm water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(14,0,0, Water); // 8:00pm water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(15,0,0, Water); // 10:00pm water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(16,0,0, Water); // 12:00pm water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(17,0,0, Water); // 2:00am water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(18,0,0, Water); // 2:00am water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(19,0,0, Water); // 2:00am water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(20,0,0, Water); // 2:00am water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(21,0,0, Water); // 2:00am water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(22,0,0, Water); // 2:00am water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(23,0,0, Water); // 2:00am water starts every day
Alarm.alarmRepeat(24,0,0, Water); // 2:00am water starts every day
//open serial port
Wire.begin ();
pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // We will use this pin as a read-indicator
Serial.println("What a wonderful day to grow tomatotoes!");
for (i = 0; i < dwell_start_up; i ++){
//Run Loop
void loop() {
//Display time
if(light = 1){
//Print co2 value to serial
int co2Value = readCO2();
if(co2Value > 0) {
Serial.print("co2(ppm): ");
else {
Serial.print("co2(ppm): ");
Serial.println("checksum failed");
if(tempValue > 0) {
Serial.print("temp(F): ");
else {
Serial.print("temp(F): ");
Serial.println("checksum failed");
if(pHValue > 0) {
Serial.print("pH: ");
else {
Serial.print("pH: ");
Serial.println("checksum failed");
delay(dwell_idle * 1000); //second
//co2 valve logic
if (co2Value < co2_lower_limit && co2Value > 0) {
Serial.println("***low co2 value detected***");
Serial.print("(detected) < ");
Alarm.delay(500);// Solenoid dwell
Serial.print("co2 valve actuated for ");
digitalWrite(co2_valve, HIGH);
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
Serial.println(" second(s)");
Alarm.delay((dwell_co2_on * 1000)); // Solenoid dwell, dwell_co2_on given in seconds
digitalWrite(co2_valve, LOW);
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
Serial.print("dispersion delay for ");
Serial.println(" second(s)");
Alarm.delay(dwell_co2_disperson * 1000);// Delay dwell,dwell_co2_dispersion given in seconds
//if (co2Value > 1000);
//digitalWrite(co2_valve, LOW);
//digitalWrite(13, LOW);
// functions to be called when an alarm triggers:
void Daytime(){
Serial.print("Alarm: - Daytime");
digitalWrite(co2_valve, LOW);
digitalWrite(light, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ACunit, HIGH);
void Nighttime(){
Serial.print("Alarm: - Nighttime");
digitalWrite(co2_valve, LOW);
digitalWrite(light, LOW);
digitalWrite(ACunit, LOW);
void Water(){
Serial.println("Time to Water");
Serial.print("pump1 actuated for ");
digitalWrite(co2_valve, LOW);
digitalWrite(pump1, HIGH);
Alarm.delay(dwell_pump1_on * 1000);
digitalWrite(pump1, LOW);
Alarm.delay(dwell_pump_trasition_delay * 1000);
Serial.print("pump2 actuated for ");
digitalWrite(pump2, HIGH);
Alarm.delay(dwell_pump2_on * 1000);
digitalWrite(pump2, LOW);
void digitalClockDisplay(){
// digital clock display of the time
Serial.println(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
void printDigits(int digits){
// utility function for digital clock display: prints preceding colon and leading 0
if(digits < 10)
// Function : int readCO2()
// Returns : CO2 Value upon success, 0 upon checksum failure
// Assumes : - Wire library has been imported successfully.
// - LED is connected to IO pin 13
// - CO2 sensor address is defined in co2_addr
int readCO2() {
int co2_value = 0; // We will store the CO2 value inside this variable.
/* Begin Write Sequence */
/* End Write Sequence. */
We wait 10ms for the sensor to process our command.
The sensors's primary duties are to accurately
measure CO2 values. Waiting 10ms will ensure the
data is properly written to RAM
/* Begin Read Sequence */
Since we requested 2 bytes from the sensor we must
read in 4 bytes. This includes the payload, checksum,
and command status byte.
Wire.requestFrom(co2Addr, 4);
byte i = 0;
byte buffer[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
Wire.available() is not nessessary. Implementation is obscure but we leave
it in here for portability and to future proof our code
while(Wire.available()) {
buffer[i] = Wire.receive();
/* End Read Sequence */
Using some bitwise manipulation we will shift our buffer
into an integer for general consumption
co2_value = 0;
co2_value |= buffer[1] & 0xFF;
co2_value = co2_value << 8;
co2_value |= buffer[2] & 0xFF;
byte sum = 0; //Checksum Byte
sum = buffer[0] + buffer[1] + buffer[2]; //Byte addition utilizes overflow
if(sum == buffer[3]) {
// Success!
return co2_value;
else {
return 0;