Bug with Serial.parseint() ?

Hey Guys,

New to Arduino but long exposed to microcontrollers (68HC11!)

I've been pulling my hair out wondering why the serial would only read the first digit sent through using:

 while (Serial.available() > 0){ 
  /*Don't read unless there you know there is data,
  * Data is transmitted in the form "3124, count"
  * with the integer value count being the number of returned 
  * rows of data 
  Serial.println("In here");
	int password2 = Serial.parseInt(); 
    if(password2 == 3124 ){ // Password required for transmission
		digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);   // Set the voltage high early (RC rise time)
		  Serial.print("or in here");

		transmitCount = Serial.parseInt();
		digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);  // Turn off the voltage reference.
    } //End of password loop
  } // End of serial.Available loop

I originally had the baud rate set to 115200 bits/sec (as i'm using an Arduino bluetooth mate silver) but it would only ever read the first digit that i sent through of the format: "3124, 10" --> would read just "3".
I found it worked with a baud rate of 9600 however. I intentionally put a question mark in the title in case I may have done something wrong which someone could point out...

I've been pulling my hair out wondering why the serial would only read the first digit sent through using:

Sent by what? Using what version of the IDE?

Sent through serial in the Arduino built in environment (USB Serial, not the bluetooth mate). Version of Arduino is 1.0.1

Would like to add that I did get it working over bluetooth with the baudrate at 115200 using Tera Term, but not with the Arduino Serial interface stuff so I definitely suspect a bug in the UI

Would like to add that I did get it working over bluetooth with the baudrate at 115200 using Tera Term, but not with the Arduino Serial interface stuff so I definitely suspect a bug in the UI

Do you have the serial monitor set to append a newline and/or carriage return?