I do not have much of experince but is there information on how to build a simple LED Driver with Pulse Modulation using arduino (contoling the on/off time (pulse) using python/matlab/etc)?
I do not have much of experince but is there information on how to build a simple LED Driver with Pulse Modulation using arduino (contoling the on/off time (pulse) using python/matlab/etc)?
Hi ashz and welcome.
You program an Arduino using the Wiring language, which is based on C/C++. You can't use other languages like matlab or python.
Have a look at the "Fade" example in the "Learning" section of the Arduino website. This uses pwm to drive an led.
Read about what pulse width modulation is here:-
Note this is not pulse modulation but pulse WIDTH modulation.
Thanks for the help.
I saw that the blink example is also good. What is the different between this code and a LED driver?
As a beginner, can someone please provide me the scheme of how to connect a led strip (single color), do I need additional components?.
Furthermore, is it possible to connect 3 different strips (single color) to the same Arduino board and control them with 3 different on/off cycles setting? do I need additional components?
Thanks a lot
What sort of LED strip is it and how long.
The arduino can only switch voltages of 5V at currents less than 49mA.
If you have a 12V LED strip then you need a transistor or FET and resistor to controll them.
Yes you can have many I dependant on off cycles going at the same time.