Try to build scale-down Marx generator with my 17 years old son who is so good at computer gaming (not computer game programming!). and hope he will start interesting physical computing.
High power/voltage DC power supply:
input voltage:12-40v
output voltage: 12-40kV
output power:200-300W
PWM adjustable AC/DC converter:
input voltage:90-230 v 50/60hz AC
output voltage: 12-40v
output power: 400w
input: safety switch, pot for PWM control
output: PWM for adjustable AC/DC converter
I prefer have a transparent case to cover Marx generator, with door and safety switch? how to make one case like that?
DISCLAIMER: High voltage is dangerous! Be careful. Always make sure to discharge capacitors after use! They can hold a charge and shock you. No responsible for any damage or harm. Don’t try copy this unless you know what you are doing!
One more thing;-
Should I implement over voltage protection circuit which take sample from flyback transformer with Arduino?
It probably wouldn't hurt..
Do you have a specific problem? The only question I see in your first post is about the case.
Yes I do, meantime I am looking affordable 40k voltage meter. The final output is 360kv. I am sure no meter will work at range. But Marx generator input is 12-40 kv.
Using a voltage divider of 1M and 10K, you would reduce 40Kv down to 400V which could be read by most decent meters. Wouldn't this be acceptable, or no?
I guess that might be the way to go.
Red color resistor is metal glaze high voltage resistor, the value range is 10M~1000M.
I guess I could pick up 400M and 400K ...
I'm sure you understand this (I doubt you would have been able to build this if you didn't) but for the sake of someone else reading this, you would obviously need to multiply whatever reading the meter gives by 10.
I did not design it, I bought it as kits, however I did QC/QA supervision myself. take look two IRFP250 power mosfets, both are second hand, I bought separate new IRFP250s to replace them. The flyback is a way over beat up (used, for few years), I am waiting brand new arrived. I just can not believe people order staff from ebay and virtually no QC. This is not complete project, I request move the thread to power section, but it falling here.