Build us a cell-communication device that monitors a cabinet door

We are looking for proposal to build us a simple device as follows:

Develop a cell-based communication device to power up and send an http request to a web-app when it is turned on. The device is a cabinet door switch to tell us when a cabinet opens. It will be battery powered. It will signal once per day. It will be powered off when door is closed to save power. We would like the battery to last at least 30 days. We can develop the physical case(s) for the device(s). It can also be an all-in-one device or two parts - a small trigger device that is battery powered, and a cell device that is wall powered that relays the signal to the Internet. We ultimately want many of these devices in downtown areas. Signal strength from inside buildings is a concern. One objective is to use a least-cost cell phone plan. Since devices are only going to turn on once per day for no more than a few seconds and broadcast a single command to the Internet, some way to cost share a single plan or use prepaid service would be ideal.

Please send us a resume describing your experience and projects developed with the arduino or other off-the-shelf programmable electronics that you are proposing.
Provide a proposal that:
• Describes what components your solution would consist of and how it would work
• Propose a fixed cost that includes your labor and all necessary hardware excluding physical case / packaging.
• Propose a cell-service solution and describe what our approximate recurring monthly costs would be.
• Propose a project schedule
• You will need to plan on meeting with us in person in our San Francisco office for a final interview before project acceptance.
We already have a refrigerator-type light switch that is suitable for detecting the open door and turning power on when the door opens.
You will also be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement

Fido round LOGO small.gif

OK so I can design and build this system for you if you like.

BUT ! even though most of my clients are USA based I work and live in France. This is not proving to be a problem now or in the past.

  • You can see my portfolio of work on my website

  • I cannot give you a cost at this point as the design is not cast in stone.

  • I would suggest the use of a GSM modem card. This can be integrated with an Atmel ATMEGA328 (Arduino uno) chip and built into a custom PCB.

  • As for cell service .. depending on what you are wanting to do a simple PAYG data plan will work for you. Also depending on the amount of data you want to send a few $ per month will suffice.

  • I cannot see a meeting taking place unless you want to fly me over and back. I am happy to have a Skype interview through if that helps you.

  • NDA is not a problem, I have a big pile of them from my other clients.

Please feel free to contact me for a chat about your requirement.

You say that this is for a small production run ... now many would that be ?

CHeers Pete.

It seems we did not inspire the OP with greatness go here Loading. I responded to him with a PM.

A pretty easy project that he wanted 50% solved in the proposal and then an interview in San Fransisco for a simple project.

Maybe his time is not expensive,

It seems we did not inspire the OP with greatness go here

No I am still working with him off forum.