build zigbee network

i want to build zigbee network of 100 devices. But i am unable to understand how to configure zigbee devices. And how to set an address to co-ordinator, router and end devices. How co-ordinator sends data to end devices. how zigbee create mesh network with 100 devices.

But i am unable to understand how to configure zigbee devices.

Which XBees are you using? The Series 2 models come configured with an address to be used to talk to it. The address that it talks to needs to be changed to match that of the coordinator, for all devices except the coordinator.

Are you planning to use just XBees? Or are you planning to use XBees connected to Arduinos?

If you are using XBees alone, you don't have an Arduino problem, so this is not the appropriate forum.

If you are using XBees with Arduinos, the XBee library makes the process of a router/end device talking to the coordinator simple. Each packet that arrives at the coordinator contains the address of the sender, so the sender has no problem replying to the sender.

Having the coordinator poll all the router/end devices for data is a bit more challenging, but only because the Arduino has to KNOW the addresses of all the router/end devices to poll.

I have no idea how the addressing is done in zigbee. can you pls help me with it. I am confused betweeb DH,DL of each node.

I am confused betweeb DH,DL of each node.

DH is a 16 bit value. DL is a 16 bit value. Together, they define the 32 bit address of the XBee.

I have no idea how the addressing is done in zigbee.

The same as anywhere else in the world. If you want to send a letter to Joe, you don't put Pete's name and address on the envelope and expect it to be delivered to Joe.

Then how zigbee mesh network works? I am not talking about just two nodes, i want to create network of zigbees. then how addressing is done in mesh network?

then how addressing is done in mesh network?

It does not matter how many XBees there are. In a mesh network, one, and only one, XBee must be a coordinator. It has some address, defined by SH and SL.

All the other XBees are routers or end devices. An end device can not be a router, but a router can be an end device, so it makes sense to make them all routers.

A router or end device has an address, defined by SH and SL, set by the factory. You set the DH and DL address to define what it talks to - the coordinator - to SH/SL of that device.

If the router/end device can not communicate directly with the coordinator, because the coordinator is too far away, the routers can relay the packets from another device, without caring about which device the packet is coming from or going to. You don't need to know, or care, how they manage that.

You call a friend (the coordinator) from your cell phone (an end device). You do not know, or care, exactly which, or how many, cell towers were involved in relaying your message. Don't get hung up with how the cell towers manage their job, or how the XBees manage their job.

fare enough.
now i want to keep a track of the data. what if the router may destroy then how we are supposed to know that the router is not working so that we can troubleshoot the router or change it. in short i want to keep trace of each device in network. Is there any tool or something to monitor network working?
if any please tell me.
thank you.

How can I replace a device that has failed in the field?

How can I replace a device that has failed in the field?

you can place xbee's so that each of them have access of 2 other routers. so 1 goes down you still have other one .

Can zigbee spec support having two coordinators with different pan ids so that if one fails other van take the responsibility of the network? like a backup coordinator. There might be a continuous synchronization between main coordinator and the backup coordinator

you can place xbee's so that each of them have access of 2 other routers. so 1 goes down you still have other one .

is there any tool or software to know exactly which node is damaged so that we can repair that node/router.

Can zigbee spec support having two coordinators with different pan ids so that if one fails other van take the responsibility of the network? like a backup coordinator. There might be a continuous synchronization between main coordinator and the backup coordinator
