Building a PIR Sensor that transmits a image from already in place dvr on trig

Hi all.

Looking for a little help on this project. My end goal is basically what I said in the title. I have connected a PIR to a Uno R3 with a Ethernet W5100 Shield. Upon triggering via the PIR I want it to get an image from my existing DVR and send that image to me via email/txt. I have most the easy stuff figured out at the moment looking for help on how to capture the image from the dvr so I can forward it in the email.

My DVR does support the ability to get a image from a specific camera via a special link. I'm not looking to forward the link. I want to forward the image.

Thanks in advanced.

maybe we can help each other as I am in the security alarm industry. The only think I can think of is to have a trigger on the DVR act as an event which will send an email with an attached image. If the DVR can do that, you would not need the arduino in the middle, just use a motion detector.

What kind of DVR do you have?

Ya that's the issue is my DVR does not have any alarm inputs. Bummer I did not realize until after I purchased and installed. Its a lorex LNR200 series. If it did have inputs super simple just tie in the sensor and configure the feed to send a email/txt when triggered.

I have made some progress though. I did figure out how to get the screenshot from the dvr and onto the sd card. It took me days of research and trial to get the authentication and html link correct so it would download the image.

Taking a brain break at the moment.

The next big hurtle is emailing/txting the image. From my understanding you can only send an email from the arduino uno by basic SMTP no encryption. Which almost all email servers require some sort of secure connection. So I am trying to think my way out of this one without having to pay for a service. Not to mention I am getting tight on memory in the arduino so it has to be lean.

The trigger is simple couple lines of code.