Hi all,
this is my first major project, i've mostly been doing the projects provided by in the booklet that comes with the arduino kit.
I'd like to build this,
atm the parts i've found are :
http://www.miniinthebox.com/soil-moisture-sensor-arduino-compatible-immersion-gold_p508926.html?currency=GBP&litb_from=paid_adwords_shopping&gclid=CJ3r97XT57wCFUsUwwodWEsAkw - the moisture sensor
http://www.miniinthebox.com/300-l-h-submersible-water-aqua-pump-for-aquarium_p488120.html - water pump
can't seem to find a crowduino - help please?
only have one plant atm so no need for rotating platform.
http://www.miniinthebox.com/sensor-shield-v4-digital-analog-module_p479216.html - sensor shield
I apologise if i've put it into the wrong topic.
I would like to know if these are compatible?