Building my library with travis to include ARM / Arduino Due

Today I added Travis testing to my library project (, Home – Travis-CI. I also want to include ARM /Arduino Due support. However the ARM boards are not predefined by the IDE. I found an article for including ESP8266 Automate Arduino ESP8266 Testing with TravisCI. So the IDE does provide a command line interface to add board support from the command line like so

arduino --install-boards ...

Now here is my question: where can I find the proper parameters for this option to have Arduino Due available and how to I specifiy the Due as a compile target from the command line?

I also asked this on github here: Installing boards from the command line - howto ? · Issue #6165 · arduino/Arduino · GitHub

arduino --install-boards arduino:sam


arduino --install-boards arduino:sam:version

Great. This raises the next question though. How / where do I learn these parameters for other boards?

Let say you wanted to install Sparkfun AVR Boards. First you find the Boards Manager JSON file used to install it:
If the package doesn't have Boards Manager installation support then you will need to do the installation "manually" rather than using the --install-boards CLI option.

The first parameter is the vendor. You will find it in the Boards Manager JSON file as the packages name value:

This is used to name the top folder of the package, directly under the hardware folder.

The second parameter is the architecture. You will find that as the platforms architecture value:

This is used to name the folder that contains the boards.txt, etc. for the package.

If you just want to install the newest release then you can leave off the version but if you want a specific version you will find that in the platforms version value:

This is used to name the folder between the vendor and architecture folders of the package.