I'd like to use my circuit to burn bootloader on blank chip and also to upload sketches without having to put my atmega328 in the Arduino UNO board everytime.
Can I use the 6 pins programming header which are present in the circuit with the FT232RL serial to USB sparkfun device to upload sketches and to burn bootloader?
I read several tutorial about the bootload burning and I realized that they use different pins, in particular, pin 10, 11, 12 and 13 and not the RX and TX pins which are only used for the sketches uploading.
What should I do?
Should I insert pins header also for pins 10, 11, 12 and 13 in order to be able to burn the bootloader or I can use the 6 pins header?
Once your standalone 328 is set-up and working with a bootloader you can then use it to burn a bootloader on another chip; however, you can't use it to burn its own bootloader.
The FTDI you mentioned can be used to upload sketches to your new 328 standalone, after it has had its bootloader burned. Normally you only need to burn a bootloader when you first start using a new chip.
Sorry, i didn't explained this: I have a lots of new atmega328 with and without bootloader and I have also five Arduino boards with their original atmega328.
Since I have to develop my circuit in smd technology, I'll have to use the atmega328 smd version which comes without the bootloader and so I need to establish what pins I have to use in order to be able to burn bootloader and upload sketch on my circuits.
Basically: You connect the pins that go to X3 on a Duemilanove to the SPI pins.
This method worked for me under IDE -0022. Setting up the software took a while, but it does work. I still have a duemilanove with the added pins.
If I use the ISP connector, can I directly connect the ISP connector which is present on my circuit to the ISP connector which is present to my Arduino UNO board, then set the Arduino UNO to ISP mode and upload the sketch on my circuit, is it correct?
Can I use this procedure to burn the bootloader, too?
Connections are not quite 1-1.
power, gnd, D13-D12-D11 connect 1-1.
D10 on Master goes to Reset on part being bootloaded (if I'm thinking of the same thing you are).
You don't need to get a programmer because - Yes, an Arduino board using the ArduinoISP sketch can be used to load the bootloader or it can be used to load a .hex file into the 328, without the need for a bootloader on the chip. Depending on your circuit, you can put the ICSP header on your board, or make a simple shield that you can mount on an Arduino to program the chips. To put the bootloader on a 328P you can do it from the Arduino IDE.
I made a small board with a 28 pin and 20 pin socket so I can use ArduinoISP to load ATMega328(P) and ATtiny2313. I get power and ground from the Arduino board and connects the other required pins as well as connects Arduino Reset to +5V through a 120 Ohm resistor to make things work. If you use the internal clock you don't need a crystal/resonator on board, but if you want to run at 16Mhz you will need to supply it. To load them without the bootloader you will need to learn how to use AVRDude, which seems a bit intimidating at first, but after you look at the options it all makes sense. Leaving out the bootloader gives you a little more Flash to fill with program. For repeated uses I created a couple batch files which make it much easier to use.
There is an online utility for helping to determine the fuse settings for the various chips.