"7. Use the Burn Bootloader > Arduino as ISP command."
I can't find this command.
"Burn bootloader" is a menu item by itself and when I click it, it does just that- burns the bootloader to the board. I would like to use my board as an ISP, and burn the bootloader to the chip on my breadboard.
By chance I happened to use this very sketch yesterday to setup a couple of ATmega8A-PU chips for 8Mhz internal oscillator with a bootloader so it does work using Arduino 1.0.1.
You need to upload the ArduinoISP to your Arduino then with the breadboard chip all connected up at detailed in the tutorial select it's chip type in the Tools/Board menu and select 'Arduino as programmer' in the Tools/Programmer menu. Then when you do Tools/Burn Bootloader it should work.
I'm glad to know it's possible, but I'm still not getting it.
Here's what I've done:
Uploaded the sketch Examples->Arduino as ISP to my Diecimila board
Chose Tools->Board->Arduino Uno (I'm using a 328 on my breadboard so I figured any of these would work)
Chose Tools->Programmer->Arduino as ISP
I can upload sketches to my breadboard, but I don't have any option to burn the bootloader to it.
Here's what I've done:
Uploaded the sketch Examples->Arduino as ISP to my Diecimila board
Chose Tools->Board->Arduino Uno (I'm using a 328 on my breadboard so I figured any of these would work)
Chose Tools->Programmer->Arduino as ISP
I'm using Arduino IDE v1.0.1 and this is how I did it apart from the programmer being an UNO and the target was an ATmega8
Choose Tools->Board->Arduino Diecimila //The Programming board
Uploaded Sketch Examples->ArduinoISP //The programming software
Choose Tools->Board->Arduino Uno //The target chip type to be programmed
Choose Tools->Programmer->Arduino as ISP //Tells the IDE to use software programmer
Choose Tools->Burn Bootloader //Uploads the bootloader to the Diecimila (programmer) than burns it to the target