i have already burn bootloader to minimum system atmgea 2560 but when i use led blink the voltage only 1.7 volt, what i must to do to make 4.98 volt??
i burn bootloader with usb asp and slow sck is on and burn bootloader no error
i have already burn bootloader to minimum system atmgea 2560 but when i use led blink the voltage only 1.7 volt, what i must to do to make 4.98 volt??
i burn bootloader with usb asp and slow sck is on and burn bootloader no error
Can you explain what it going on ?
When you set an output pin high, it is only 1.7V ?
Can you try to measure the voltage without the led.
Do you use a resistor with that led ?
I burn bootloader sir and the led very fade when i use basic led blinking and i tested it using avometer and the voltage stable 1.7volt sir (steady)
the burnbootloader done without error
If you set the pin as output and high (no blinking) and without the led, is the pin 5V ?
Do you use a resistor with that led ?
yes i use resistor 330 and the supply is 5volt from my downloader all i have tested sir:D
Did you remember to set pin as output in setup()? (or some time before you try to turn on the LED).
If you don't do that, the pin is not considered an output, and can barely supply any current - so the voltage drops to 1.7v (the point at which the current going through the LED matches what the MCU is supplying), and hence the LED barely glows.
of course i already give the basic setup the I/O
all supply correct 4.98 volt to the IC but when i use basic BLINK from example it didnt work
so what i suppose to do?