I am trying to burn the bootloader onto my Arduino Diecimila. I have an AVR JTAG ICE MKII and I was thinking that I could use that to burn the bootloader onto the Arduino use the Arduino IDE. If I run the command on the IDE using the AVR ISP programmer option I get an error like this:
Error while burning bootloader
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
I am really new to Arduino and don't have any idea what to do.
I guess my question is if it's possible to burn the bootloader onto an atmega168 using an AVR JTAG ICE MKII? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Note: The JTAGICE mkII also support programming through the ISP interface. The general description of the dialog for programming AVRs is found in the STK500 documentation in the help system supplied with AVR Studio. See here for details on how to connect to the 6-pin ISP interface.
So it should work. Typically there are physical adapters for the ISP connectors of various sorts.
You're on your own for the details, though... (it is almost certainly NOT an "AVR ISP" programmer, which probably means that you won't be able to burn the bootloader from within the IDE. You'll need to learn to use avrdude yourself...)
Yeah I was trying to learn to use AVRDUDE but I had no luck. This Arduino is pretty old so I think I might just purchase a new one with the bootloader already on it.
Yeah I was trying to learn to use AVRDUDE but I had no luck. This Arduino is pretty old so I think I might just purchase a new one with the bootloader already on it.
Well you can certainly buy such a preburned 328P chip into your existing board. You will then have to always select the Uno as the board type to upload sketches to it from the IDE, and will gain the faster upload speed that the Uno bootloader uses, and a couple of other advantages.