I hope this isn't considered as crossposting, I already posted my problem to the German speaking section of the board. If so, I am sorry for that.
I am stuck since days on a problem with my ATmega 8.
I want to burn the bootloader to it, using the Arduino Uno V3 as a programmer. So, I first uploaded the ArduinoISP sketch, then chose Arduino as ISP, changed the board to Arduino NG with ATmega 8, connected the ATmega 8 on a breadboard to the right connections (The AT 8 is wired correctly with a 16 MHz Crystal), then clicked on Burn Bootloader. My problem is, I get an error message instantly from AVRdude. After clicking on Burn bootloader for a second time, it takes a while untill I get another error message.
I read that you need to use a 220 Ohm Resistor from reset to 5V, but only on a Arduino Duemilanove, but I'm using an Arduino Uno REV 3. I once programmed an ATtiny 45 which needed a 10uF electrolytic capacitor from reset to ground, so I did this aswell, but it didn't help - Still the same Error messages.
I don't know what to do, I tried everything but I can't get the bootloader on the ATmega 8
I just tried what you described with a new ATmega8-16PU and it worked just fine. Make sure all your connections are made properly like in the tutorial simplex mentions. It should work.
I long ago gave up the jumper wire method and got myself a little shield that makes it a pleasure. This is the one I use: http://aztecmcu.com/catalog/i105.html
Its just so much easier than trying to debug the rat's nest each time it goes wrong.
Edit: BTW, what is the error message you are getting?
Wow! Thank you SO much! I finally got it! It was just the reset pin just as I thought. I just connected pin 10 from my Uno (Reset) directly to the reset pin of the ATmega 8, and it worked fine! I followed another tutorial and used capacitors and resistors for that - But just with a plain jumper wire from pin 10 to pin 1 (reset) worked fine!