Burned AMS1117 on Arduino Mega R3

Unfortunately I burned out power regulator AMS1117 (5.0 H345KE).
So I placed new AMS1117 (5.0 H1314E), and arduino works (on power from USB and power supply).
But PC doesn't recognize it, and for me this is very important communication...
Is it, a good regulator? Or maybe there can be burned something else?;-/
I hope that Atmel 16u2 is not burned, but I'm not sure, and I don't know how to check it.

Did you check for power at the 16u2? How did this happen? Maybe it burned some traces that supply power to the 16u2. 5V or ground.

Did you check for power at the 16u2?
Yep, there is 5V.

How did this happen?
I have a board did be me (based on mega protoshield), which is connected to the arduino. To this board I have attached a lot of connections to the external devices like servos, potentiometers, etc. and of course for power.
So, one of devices has wrong connection, because works strange (I have that earlier).
I unpluged, fixed ("bum" here), plug, and I don't double check power lines, and yes it was wrong. After that I saw a lot of smoke from arduino;-/

Maybe it burned some traces that supply power to the 16u2. 5V or ground.
Traces looks good, but I saw that chip stays hot when power is plugged.

Arrrggghh... It will be hard (or maybe impossible for me) to fix it in home...

CLOSED, now it's really burned...;-/

I had a similar situation happen while testing a motor. Stupid me, yes. Same chip, saw some smoke come out of it. Yikes! I've learned my lesson and will be more careful.

Question: When I plug in my mega2560 (both with a 12v power supply and with USB), the "On" and "L" or "13" LEDs turn on. They don't blink, though. When I push the reset button, the "L" LED blinks, and then just holds solid. Windows 7 32-bit won't recognize it. This is the same computer I've used for a long time. I'll order some of the AMS1117 chips and replace the one that burned. Should the Arduino be recognized by Windows even without AMS1117 chip functioning?

Should the Arduino be recognized by Windows even without AMS1117 chip functioning?

Not if something other than the AMS1117 is burned...


Maybe it burned some traces that supply power to the 16u2. 5V or ground.
Traces looks good, but I saw that chip stays hot when power is plugged.

Arrrggghh... It will be hard (or maybe impossible for me) to fix it in home...

CLOSED, now it's really burned...;-/

Sounds like the chip is dead.