I´ve used Arduino 1.0 to save a sketch into a blank Atmega8 using a UsbtinyISP. When I install the Ic into my standalone board, it works but toooooooo slow. looks like its working with the internal oscilator, and it is not using the installed crystal.
I´ve used this setting in the boards.txt:
And uploaded the sketch using the "File / Upload using programmer" option.
I haven´t burnt a bootloader into the IC, since it´s not required. I understand that the fuses are set ok to work without the bootloader.
I´ve used my osciloscope to test the outputs, that work fine, and tried to see if the cristal is oscilating, but i found just a lot of noise. Connections are tested.
I can see that the crystal pins are now high, but I can see only noise comming out. What kind of signal should be expected?
The crystal pins should be using the 16 MHz crystal and load capacitors to stabilize the oscillator. If you connect anything else to the crystal pins (like a meter or scope probe) it may destabilize the clock.
The solution to the original problem was the fuses story. Bootloader burnt and that should have solved it, but.....
The damn clock wasn´t working, because.....capacitors were wrong! I bought some capacitors as if they were 22pF. They are labeled 22J, but when I measured them, they are actually 220nF! (I´ll have to thank my wife for the new DMM that measures capacitors she gave me for my last birthday ).
So I changed the parts and now it´s working.