I am new to these stuff. I am trying to upload my sketch to stand alone Atmega328-P-PU or a Attiny85 chip.
I have looked internet and gone over so many instructions that are more than a year old.
unfortunately none of the instructions worked for me and each one gave different error.
I can mostly do step one which is uploading ArduinoISO from example fine but when it comes to burning the boot loader I get "out of sync error."
I have tried instructions from here : https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ArduinoToBreadboard
My circuit is without crystal.
I used IDE 1.8.12 and even older versions, but still no luck.
Is there any instruction that are more recent and has been tested successfully?
The error occurs because the fuse bits of the atmega328p is configured to use the external oscillator so when you try to burn the bootloader without the oscillator it fails , so to do it you should hookup the external oscillator first then burn the 8-mhz bootloader from here https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ArduinoToBreadboard after burning the bootloader remove the external oscillator now the atmega328p works with the internal 8-mhz oscillator. Now you could use the uart to upload code from Arduino and it works without oscillator
Hope it helped you
It can be a reason which @m_k_akash pointed out. Read this
in post #11 is how to modify ISP sketch to obtain clock signal on UNO's pin 9. Try to connect in to XTAL1 pin on ATmega.
Anyhow, you could post detailed log. It is hard to say something from description.