What I have learned so far:
If you intend to change clock speed the bootloader needs to be recompiled. This is currently not possible because the current gcc compiler cannot compile it under 1KB. I went as far back as 0010 and that still has ver. 4 + whereas ver. 3 may be required. See this thread http://www.arduino.cc/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1168940083/81#82
So I decided to skip the bootloader and go for direct upload with the parallel programmer based on that same thread (see post just before)
I added an extra board in boards.txt:
atmega8cust.upload.using=parallel {this entry based on http://www.arduino.cc/en/Hacking/Programmer instructions}
atmega8cust.bootloader.low_fuses=0xd1 {fuse settings from http://wolfpaulus.com/journal/embedded/arduino3.html}
atmega8cust.build.f_cpu=1000000L{custom speed 10Mhz}
atmega8.name=Arduino NG or older w/ ATmega8
{the rest follows as standard]
This added a board 'ArduinoATmega8Custom' -> Tools - Board menu
Did I add 'upload.using' in the correct file and is that the only place I need to specify fuse settings for sketch upload to work? I am somewhat concerned with this since the fuse settings as specified in the boards.txt file is under the bootloader section (which I won't be using)? :-?
Mmmm .. seems no one is interested in AtMega8s anymore? A pity since thats all I can get in DIP form in South Africa.
With the lack of response thus I far I decided to leave the fuses of the ATMega8 as standard e.g. internal at 1 MHz. I compiled a simple blinky program in Arduino IDE with f_cpu at 1000000 and uploaded it from the temp directory using avrdude. The avrdude part works like a charm but .. alas.. no blinking.
Are there any fuse settings (other than oscillator) I need to be aware of to make this work? :-[
Your problem is that you need to recompile the bootloader if you change the clock speed (via FUSEs). As long as you can't put the modified bootloader on the chip, you can't use the Arduino IDE for uploading sketches.
I suggest: get an external 16MHz crystal and set the fuses according to the boards.txt:
and then you can use the default Bootloader (ATmegaBOOT.hex) to upload your sketches via a serial port or FTDI chip.
Of course you must select "Arduino NG or older w/ ATmega8" for this.
Your Blink problem: can you explain where you connected the LED? Resistor value? And what does your Arduino look like?
Just to be sure: your Duemilanove board holds a mega168, correct?
And what do you exactly mean by this:
Hi, I would like to burn a bootloader onto ATMega8-16 chips via the Duemilanove board.
Do you want to use the BitBang mode to flash other chips or do you try to put a mega8 on the Duemilanove board?
I am interrest to put a atmega8 on my duemilanove... but it seem's to don't work, even with the mode "arduino NG or older w/ATmega8".
Are you sure it's possible? (I bought my Atmega8 with a boatloader, so I normaly don't have anything to do before no?)